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GAYER: Graphical Audio plaYER

GAYER is a graphics-based subtractive synth inspired by the ANS Synthesizer and its many descendants. It is implemented in ReasonML, using partial bindings to the WebAudio and Canvas APIs. In lieu of the additive sine-wave synthesis used in many approaches to graphical sound, it outputs audio by controlling the gains of bandpass filters whose center frequencies are spaced in equal temperament, effectively approximating the inverse of the constant-Q transform on its input. GAYER can analyze audio and write its CQT representation into a canvas, then play it back by reading the canvas pixels and adjusting the filters' gains to match (the filterbank can be excited by mic input or a noise generator). By changing the filters, alpha, and compositing mode of the canvas, various effects can be achieved.

This software is licensed under GPL 3.0.

Run Project

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
yarn install
yarn start
# in another tab
yarn webpack
# in one more tab

Then navigate to http://localhost:8080 (or whatever port your local server uses).

Build for Production

npm run build
npm run webpack:production

This will replace the development artifact build/Index.js for an optimized version.


Graphical Audio plaYER






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