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Recipe website

by conor o shea

A feature rich website for those who love food and also love to interract with other. Goals of this project was to create something unquie but also give all the things you would expect a crud application to have. check it out HERE

My personal goals for this project are:

Develop my python skills. Learn how to work with the Flask framework.To problem solve and come up with creative solutions to unquie problems. To gain experience working with Databases in general.Learn how to deploy to herkou.Also time management skills to

After thoughts

I had given myself an ambitious project which I was determined to complete looking back however I would of much prefered to of pull backed some features to give a more polished look and feel. But I could'nt help but try to create a feature rich website. I would of liked to had more time for styling and polishing which I plan to come back to in the future. I have learned to time manage much better and to realise that some things take longer than expected.


User Stories: As a user of the recipe cookbook I should be able to do the following things:

  • Look through all of the current recipes on the site in a simple way
  • Search the recipes by keywords and other filters such as cusine,skill etc....
  • Ability to sign up and login with with own username and password
  • Add recipes to the site when I have logged in or sign up
  • Have full CRUD functionality when I am logged in. So it is possible to update, delete and edit a users own recipe
  • Get a more detailed view of each recipe where I can see ingredients and how to make it.
  • Like recipes


For this project I concentrated more on implentmenting features and logic and less so on the frontend which is why there is not much custom css and styling. I tried to use as much bootstrap as possible but I still needed to write some of my own css to achive the look I intened.The wireframes below were used to give be a rough idea of how I wanted the pages to look but I also adjusted the styling as I was building the project to make it more suitable . For the edit and add recipe page I styled it as i was going as I was not sure how I wanted it to look


Desktop Phone


For this project I deciced to use mongoDB for my database the following schema are taken from my database used for ths project:

Recipes Schema
Users Schema
Likes Schema
Cusine Schema

Current Features

Register and Login

  • A user can sign up and create a new account.
  • The password of the user is hased before its stored in the database
  • Username and password are checked to make sure its the corect user
  • Once the user is logged in there nav will change giving them access to extra features


  • A user can look through all the current recipes in the data base

Single Recipe

  • Where a user can view a more detailed view of the recipe.
  • Info such as ingredients and instruction can be viewed here.

User Recipes

  • A page which allows logged in users to qucikly see only there current recipes in the database


  • Pagination is included on the recipes pages when the number of results to display is over 6. This is to reduce loading times and give the users a smoother experience

Like Button

  • Once a user is logged in they have the ability to like a recipe
  • the number of liked is displayed in the recipe page based on how many users have liked the recipe

Comment Section

  • A logged in user can make a comment on each recipe page

Filter Recipes

  • Can filter recipes down by categories

Word Search

  • Allows user to seaarch for a word to comes up in the title,tags or ingredients

Add and Edit Recipes

  • A form input which allows the user to add a recipe to the database.
  • HTML form validation used to make sure the required fields cant be empty
  • The same form is used to edit and updated the recipe.

Delete a Recipe

  • The user can delete there own recipes which they have created

Feature left to implement

Due to such a tight time limit there was a lot of feature I had to leave out these are some of which:

  • The ability to like a comment
  • A user profile page where you could check out that users reipes
  • An admin type age which would display charts of what type of recipes have the most like etc....
  • A dislike button on each recipe
  • More Automated test for the business logic of the application
  • Form validation using python instead of html
  • On delete of a recipe if you are on users recipe it redirects you back to all recipes in the future I intend to fix this so it stays on user recipes but with limited time I choose not to spend to much time on this
  • Refactor code
  • More custom styling to make site look more unique

Technologies Used


  • Provides the logic for this site


  • Template langauge that provides all the routes and redirects for this projects web pages


  • To implement python code into html files


  • Pymongo was used for interacting with MongoDB database from Python


  • MongoDB was used as the database for this site

JavaScript / Jquery

  • JavaScript and Jquery where used to add varoius animations on the page. for example when there is no user logged in a popup is diplayed when you press the like button


  • Bootstrap for is grid columns


  • HTML was used for the markup and layout of each webpage


  • CSS used to add styling to html and customise the layout


Testing was performed in 3 different ways.

  1. Manual Browser Testing during develoment
  2. User testing
  3. Automated Testing

Browser Testing and Manual Testing

Testing Responsiveness

During development the site was being checked regulary using google chrome , I made use of chrome developers tools to check the responsiveness of each page to make sure it looked good on all devices and adjusting layout as needed to find a happy medium.

After I had deployed the site to heroku I could regulary check it on my phone and tablet to see how it looked and feels in real life on its device.

Testing Python Logic

During the course of development. After each new feature was implmented. I checked it was doing what it should have been. This was done by checking my mongoDB database to see if I was getting the correct results. Like when I went to add a recipe I expected to see a new recipe in my database

User Testing

I had classmates , family and friends check the website on various devices from phones,tablets and desktops no issues were reported back ect...

Automated Testing

This is a feature if more time was given I would of very much liked to explore further. Currently I have some very basic automated test that check if the page is loading or not. In the future as I gain more knowledge I intend to expand this much further to fully automate all the business logic such as test for checking if a recipe has been added etc...


I deployed my site early on in development

The site is deployed to Heroku under the following process:

  1. Create a new project called cookbook
  2. Create a new git repository
  3. Push to Github
  4. In herkou create a new app
  5. In heroku dashboard go to Deploy in deployemnt method choose github
  6. Follow guidlines to connect the app to the GitHub repo
  7. Enable automatic deploys
  8. Code that now is pushed to github will automatically update herkou
  9. In herkou dashboard go to settings
  10. Click Reveal Config Vars
    • set the port to - this opens your app to all IPS
    • set the port 5000
    • set the MONGO URI to link to mongoDB database

Project can be found HERE


Content and Media


  • Thanks to my mentor spencer for all the advice throughout the project
  • Documentation for flask_pagination was used to implment pagination


No description, website, or topics provided.






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