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CLight ORM

This library designed as usual ORM.

Purpose for ORM development was to create fast and convenient tool for working with database and relation mapping. ORM allows you to link entities with One-To-Many, One-To-One, Many-To-One, Many-To-Many relation types.


composer require computools/clight-orm

Structural elements:

  • Entity - representation of database table. This objects must have getters and setters for properties and extends AbstractEntity from library.

  • Repository - based on Repository Pattern, this objects must have Entity objects definition and be extended from AbstractRepository. Abstract repository contains all common (like find, findBy, etc) methods for data search and saving.


For examples you may look at tests directory.

Lets have a look:


AbstractEntity inheritance involves implementation of getTable() method, that will define database table name and getFields() method, that returns array of rules.

Also, you can provide some optional fields that will be mapped if field presents in query result only. For example we can add some count field that will not be related to table, but will present in query result.

For that puproses you can use getOptionalFields() method.

Keys must be specified as table column names.

Allowed field types:

  • IdType with optional parameter 'identifierField', that need to be specified if tables identifier column name is not 'id'
  • IntegerType - integer, with optional parameter 'columnName', if map field is different than database field.
  • StringType - string or text, with optional parameter 'columnName', if map field is different than database field.
  • FloatType - float or decimal, with optional parameter 'columnName', if map field is different than database field.
  • DateTimeType - datetime with column name as first argument and format as second.
  • CreatedAtType - datetime, value will be defined automatically while entity creation. First parameter is columnName, second - datetime format, both are optional.
  • UpdatedAtType - datetime, value will be defined automatically while entity is updating. First parameter is columnName, second - datetime format, both are optional.
  • BooleanType - boolean, first parameter is column name if different than table field name, second parameter defines if field must be saved as int (default is true).
  • JsonType - json, saves json to database and convert to array for entity. First parameter - table field name.

Allowed relation types:

  • OneToOne - first parameter is related entity instance, second is main table field name

  • ManyToOne - first parameter is related entity instance, second is main table field name.

  • OneToMany - first parameter is related entity instance, second is related table field.

  • ManyToMany - with parameters:

    • entity - related entity instance
    • table - many-to-many relation table name
    • columnName - relation table column name that corresponds main table
    • referencedColumnName - relation table column name that corresponds referenced table

    use Computools\CLightORM\Entity\AbstractEntity;

    class Book extends AbstractEntity { public function getTable(): string { return 'books'; }

      public function getFields(): array
          return [
              'id' => new IdType(),
              'name' => new StringType('title'),
              'price' => new FloatType(),
              'authors' => new ManyToMany(new Author(), 'authors_books', 'book_id', 'author_id'),
              'themes' => new ManyToMany(new Theme(), 'books_theme', 'book_id', 'theme_id')
      public functnion getOptionalFields(): array
          return [
              'themes_count' => new IntegerType()
      private $id;
      private $name;
      private $authors = [];
      private $themes = [];
      private $price;
      private $themesCount;
      public function getThemesCount()
          return $this->themesCount;
      public function getId(): ?int
          return $this->id;
      public function getName(): ?tring
          return $this->name;
      public function setName(?string $name): void
          $this->name = $name;
      public function getAuthors(): array
          return $this->authors;
      public function getThemes(): array
          return $this->themes;
      public function getPrice(): ?float 
          return $this->price;
      public function setPrice(float $price)
          $this->price = $price;


Id field must have ability to take null in case of new entity, that have not been saved to database yet.

Another option is using public properties instead of getters and setters. This library supports that kind of entities.

use Computools\CLightORM\Entity\AbstractEntity;
class Book extends AbstractEntity
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public $authors;

    public $themes;

    public $price; 

If you want to set null to one-to-one or many-to-one relation you can use destroyToOneRelation(string $field) method:


This operation will save null to author_id field for post record. This can be used regardless method that was used to receive entity. So both will work:

$postRepository->find(1, ['author']);


If you want to add many-to-many relation for two entities, you can call addRelation(EntityInterface $entity) method and removeRelation(EntityInterface $entity) to remove.



ORM has ability to execute mass assignment for entity. So you can use this construction

$book = new Book();
    'name' => 'Book name',
    'price' => 10.99

instead of

$book = new Book();
$book->setName('Book name');

That kind of action will be allowed if $allowedFields property was set for entity. So it will looks like

class Book
    protected $allowedFields = [
    public $name;
    public $price;

This is list of fields, that can be set with fill() method. If specified field is not presents in the list - it will be skipped.


use Computools\CLightORM\Repository\AbstractRepository;
use Computools\CLightORM\Test\Entity\Book;

class BookRepository extends AbstractRepository
    public function getEntityClass(): string
        return Book::class;
    public function findByUser(User $user): ?Book
        return $this->findBy(['user_id' => $user->getId()]);

This is the way how repository must be implemented. You can write your own methods or use existed.

To call the repository, you can use


Here is the example:

$pdo = new \PDO(

$clightORM = new CLightORM($pdo);

To get certain entity repository just call create method with class string as argument:

$repository = $clightORM->createRepository(PostRepository::class);

Repository methods

  • find(int $id, array $with, $expiration = 0)
  • findBy(array $citeria, ?Order $order, array $with, ?Pagination $pagination, $expiration = 0)
  • findOneBy(array $criteria, ?Order $order = null, array $with, $expiration = 0)
  • findFirst($with)
  • findLast($with)
  • save(EntityInterface $entity, array $with, $relationExistsCheck = false)
  • remove(EntityInterface $entity)

Computools\CLightORM\Tools\Order object can be used to sort query result.

        'name' => 'test'
    new Order('name', 'DESC')

expiration parameter can be used to store search result to cache. If isn't equals 0 than first call result will be stored to cache. Then method call will return data from cache, until expires. For detailed description see Cache part.

With parameter provides you possibility to include related entities into result. You may also get related entities of related entity etc. For example:

$book = $bookRepository->findLast(['themes', 'authors']);

This will find last book with related themes and authors (you must specify entity field name, that corresponds to relation)

$book = $bookRepository->findLast(
        'themes' => [

This will find last book with themes and authors. Besides, related posts will be found for all the themes. For save method, you also may define $with parameter, to get related entities in result.

Nesting level is not limited, so you can use constructions like this:

 $book = $bookRepository->findLast(
            'themes' => [
                'posts' => [
                    'editors' => [

First argument for repository's 'save' method takes a link to object, so you may not use method result to overwrite object variable.

$post = new Post(); 
return $post;

But, of course, you can use return value:

$post = new Post();
return $postRepository->save($post);

If there is a collection given as repository result, that would be an array of entities.

You can use Computools\CLightORM\Tools\Pagination as third parameter for findBy to paginate result.

$posts = $repository->findByUser($this->getUser(), ['theme'], (new Pagination())->setPagination(1, 20));


$posts = $repository->findByUser($this->getUser(), ['theme'], (new Pagination())->setLimitOffset(20, 0));

You can also use orm object inside the repository class to make some custom queries.


You can use built-in queries objects to do some custom logic.

CLightORM object can create any type of queries. This object is accessable inside any repository:

class PostRepository extends AstractRepository
    public function getEntityClass(): string
        return Post::class;
    public function findPostsCustom()
        $query = $this->orm->createQuery();
            ->select('id, name')
            ->where('title', 'test')
            ->where('type', 'test')
            ->whereExpr('id < 5')
            ->whereExpr('id > 2')
                'title' => 'test',
                'type' => 'test'
            ->order('id', 'DESC')
            ->limit(10, 5)
        return $query->getResult();

Method above demonstrates possible methods for query. It returns array as result. If you want to map result to some entity, you must not specify select fields, and call mapToEntity or mapToEntities method:

    ->whereExpr('id < 5')
    ->whereExpr('id > 2')
return $this->mapToEntities($query, ['author', 'editor']);

To use JOIN command, you can use Computools\CLightORM\Database\Query\Structure\Join. Constructor arguments are:

  • string $type (LEFT, RIGHT, INNER)

  • string $table (table name)

  • string $condition (on p.user_id = for example)

  • string $alias = null

    $query ->from('post', 'p') ->join(new Join('INNER', 'user', 'ON p.author_id =', 'u')) ->where('', 5) ->execute()

Many-to-Many relations saving can do checks for already existed relations. So if you want relations to not duplicate, you can provide third parameter as true:

$post = $postRepository->find(1);
$user = $userRepository->find(1);

$postRepository->save($post, [], true);

This call will also call duplicates check and just will not add same relation. If you provide third argument as false, than check will not be executed, and will throw exception if database table has unique indexes for relations.


Cache mechanism can be used to store some search results. To use it, you need to specify cache type while creating CLightORM instance. There is two different options to store results - memcached and filesystem.

Computools\CLightORM\Cache\Memcache takes two parameters:

  • host(string) - memcached server host, default is 'localhost',
  • port(int) - memcached server port, default is '11211'

Computools\CLightORM\Cache\Filecache takes cache dir as parameter, default is 'cache'.

So, to use cache you need to write something like that:

$pdo = new \PDO(
$clightORM = new CLightORM($pdo, new Filecache('response/cache'));


$clightORM = new CLightORM($pdo, new Memcache('localhost', 11211));

Than all your repos will be created with cache as private property. You can provide expiration parameter for findBy etc.

$repository->findBy(array $criteria, null, array $with = [], null, $expiration = 3600)

If expiration = 0, than cache will not be used. If not - data will be taken from cache if not expired yet.


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