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This document is an exploration/set of notes on how we might adapt Nextflow or Snakefllow workflows into the OSCAR environment. It'll cover:

  • Quick-start example of running nf-core/nanoseq pipeline
  • Quick-start example of writing a custom Nanopore QC/metagenomics pipeline and control flow basics
  • Configuring/customizing Nextflow (logging locations, volume mounting)
  • Nextflow advanced control-flow Channel

Quick Start: Running nf-core/nanoseq pipeline

Motivation: nf-core/nanoseq is a general purpose analysis pipeline for Nanopore DNA/RNA data "that can be used to perform basecalling, demultiplexing, QC, alignment, and downstream analysis."; we want to figure out how to run it in its "minimal viable/hello world" version, how to set up its input sample sheet and run a simple reads QC task on our custom reads.

  1. Pull down the compbiocore/workflows_on_OSCAR project and install the package on your OSCAR environment.
git clone

# follow the interactive screen and instructions
bash ~/workflows_on_OSCAR/install_me/ && source ~/.bashrc
  1. Make your samplesheet samplesheet.csv

You can download an E.coli example read here: and scp it into your home directory ($HOME/test_run/ecolk12mg1655_R10_3_guppy_345_HAC.fastq.gz).

Please replace $HOME with your home directorypath in the samplesheet below:

You can download an E.coli example read here: and scp it into your home directory ($HOME/test_run/ecolk12mg1655_R10_3_guppy_345_HAC.fastq.gz).

Please replace $HOME with your home directory path in the samplesheet below:

cd $HOME/test_run

# make the samplesheet
echo group,replicate,barcode,input_file,fasta,gtf > samplesheet.csv
echo WT,1,,$HOME/test_run/ecolk12mg1655_R10_3_guppy_345_HAC.fastq.gz,, >> samplesheet.csv
  1. Run on OSCAR
# skip every step except the QC of the reads
nextflow run nf-core/nanoseq --input $HOME/test_run/samplesheet.csv --protocol DNA --skip_basecalling --skip_demultiplexing --skip_quantification
  1. See Your Result:

When everything is done, you should see something like below: Nanoseq workflow standard output

All of the results of sub-tasks should be in the directories referenced above in the work directory of where you ran the original nextflow run command , e.g., if you want to look at the Nanopolot QC statistics of the reads,

# referenced as in [83/61b87c] process > NFCORE_NANOSEQ:NANOSEQ:QCFASTQ_NANOPLOT_FASTQC:NANOPLOT (WT_R1)
ls -la work/48/36d7e0d987eb42770d52dbf4bb96a9


.               .command.err    ecolk12mg1655_R10_3_guppy_345_HAC.fastq.gz  WT_R1_1_fastqc.html  WT_R1_2.fastq.gz
..              .command.log     .exitcode                         
.command.begin  .command.out  .command.trace  versions.yml                                WT_R1_1.fastq.gz

You can scp the actual html output of FastQC WT_R1_1_fastqc.html in the output directory into your local machine and open it, it should like below:

FastQC screenshot

You can also inspect the various execution files what command is run inside the container:

#!/bin/bash -euo pipefail
[ ! -f  WT_R1_1.fastq.gz ] && ln -s ecolk12mg1655_R10_3_guppy_345_HAC.fastq.gz WT_R1_1.fastq.gz
[ ! -f  WT_R1_2.fastq.gz ] && ln -s null WT_R1_2.fastq.gz
fastqc  --threads 6 WT_R1_1.fastq.gz WT_R1_2.fastq.gz

also for the command submitted to the job scheduler; .command.err and .command.log for the std-err and std-out respectively.

Quick-start example of writing a custom Nanopore QC/metagenomics pipeline

Motivation: we might not always rely on nf-core's workflows and may want to write our own workflows. Here we are going to write a simple workflow that does QC on Nanopore reads from scratch.

  1. Write the first part of the Nextflow pipeline in your favorite editor (just in the end have to have it as an .nf file on your OSCAR environment):

Our pipeline will take either Fastq reads --read or the sequencing summary file from MinION basecaller --sequencing_summary or the raw files from the MinION sequencer --fast5. We check for this in the follow text below.

#! /usr/bin/env nextflow

if (! && !params.sequencing_summary && !params.fast5) {
  error "Error: at least one input format (--read, --sequencing_summary, --fast5) must be enabled."

Just a quick note that Nextflow's scripting language is based off Groovy which is very similar to the conditional flow of Java, Python and C#.

  1. Write the first task in our Nextflow pipeline:
process guppy {
  container 'cowmoo/pycoqc:latest'

    file fast5s

    path "guppy_out/*.fastq", emit: reads
    path 'guppy_out/sequencing_summary.txt', emit: sequencing_summary

  /ont-guppy-cpu/bin/guppy_basecaller -i ${fast5s} -s guppy_out -c dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg --num_callers 8 --cpu_threads_per_caller 1

The process is a sub-task of the pipeline. Here the guppy process/sub-task is a task we will run the Guppy basecaller to generate fastq files from the raw fast5 files from Nanopore sequencers.

The container is the Docker or Singularity container we will use to run the job in. Container tutorial is out of the scope of this tutorial. See Building Docker documentation for more details. comwoo/pycoqc:latest is a dedicated pre-built container on Dockerhub for this tutorial.

input and output are pretty self-explainatory. Note how the inputs fast5s are then integrated into guppy_basecaller command.

And how outputs reads and sequencing_summary.txt are extracted as outputs respectively as a set of .fastq files and single text file.

  1. Write out the rest of the process of the Nanopore QC workflow:
process concat_reads {
  container 'cowmoo/pycoqc:latest'

    path reads

    file "reads.fastq", emit: read

  cat ${reads} > reads.fastq

process pycoQC {
  container 'cowmoo/pycoqc:latest'

    file reads_summary

    path "pycoQC_output.html"

  pycoQC -f ${reads_summary} -o pycoQC_output.html

process kraken {
  container 'cowmoo/pycoqc:latest'
  containerOptions '-v /Users/paulcao/Downloads/minikraken2_v2_8GB_201904_UPDATE:/db'

    file reads

    path "out.txt"

  /kraken2/kraken2 -db /db ${reads} --gzip-compressed --output out.txt --report report.txt

process nanoPlot {
  container 'cowmoo/pycoqc:latest'

    file input

    path "summary-plots-log-transformed/*"

  if (params.reads_summary) {
   NanoPlot --summary ${input} --loglength -o summary-plots-log-transformed
  else if ( {
   NanoPlot --fastq ${input} --loglength -o summary-plots-log-transformed
  1. Define the main flow block fo the pipeline:

This section will go in sequential order, the code of the main workflow and in English what the current code block is doing.


workflow {
  /* run guppy if fast5 directory is supplied */
  if (params.fast5s) {
    fast5 = file(params.fast5)

The above block checks if the the parameter --fast5 is supplied, if so, it'll invoke the guppy process to try to base call the fast5 files to get resulting fastq files.


  /* run taxonomical identification, either by guppy's called reads or user-suplied reads */
  read = null
  if (params.fast5s || {
    read = (params.fast5s) ? concat_reads(guppy.out.reads.collect()) : file(

This above block attempts to taxonomically identify what the reads are using kraken. If the reads was supplied by --read, Kraken will be run on those reads. However if the user supplied a --fast5 argument, the pipeline will take the previously run guppy process and also concat all of the reads into a single fastq file via concat_read process; and then run the Kraken on it.


  /* run reads QC, either by the raw reads or user-supplied reads_summary.txt */
  if (params.reads_summary) {
    reads_summary = file(reads_summary)

  } else if (params.fast5s) {
    reads_summary = file(guppy.out.reads_summary.collect())

  } else if (read) {

This above block attempts to run QC on the user's supplied inputs. Some of the QC tools can only be run on reads_summary.txt supplied by MinION basecallers; some can be run on either FastQ reads or reads_summary.txt.

So if --reads_summary is supplied, we run both nanoPlot and pycoQC using the text file as the input.

However if --fast5 is supplied, we then retrieve the reads_summary.txt gathered from the previously run guppy process; and run nanoPlot and pycoQC with that input.

Finally if only --read is supplied, then we run only nanoPlot as the only QC tool that can process the fastq files.

Full Nextflow Workflow

See here: workflows/

Example Nextflow Shell Commands

nextflow run --reads_summary input/reads_summary.txt

nextflow run --fast5 input/fast5_drectory

nextflow run --read input/test_read.fastq.gz

Customizing Nextflow; customize output directory, mounting volume and logging

Customize Output Directory

By default Nextflow outputs are stored in /work directories; under automatically generated uuid directories.

The following example demonstrates how to generate a more human readable output directory organized by sample id; (or any permutations using input and output parameters).

See particularly publishDir parameter; if the workflow is run with --outdir $HOME/workflow_out and given a sample-sheet with a sample_id of WT.

process pycoQC {
  debug true

  container 'pycoqc'

  publishDir "$params.outdir/$sample_id"

    tuple val(sample_id), file(summary), file(reads), file(fast5)

    path "pycoQC_output.html"

    if (summary)
      pycoQC -f ${summary} -o pycoQC_output.html

Then for this example, Nextflow will then output to the directory: $HOME/workflow_out/WT/pycoQC_output.html

Customize Mounting Directory

For some job, we may have to mount to external databases (e.g., BLAST databases, gene annotation or pathway databases).

We can do this using the containerOption parameter. The following example demonstrate how to mount a Kraken database path as a /db/ path inside a container; and using it to run a Kraken classification job.

process kraken {
  debug true

  container 'pycoqc'

  publishDir "$params.outdir/$sample_id/kraken"

  containerOptions '--bind /Users/test_user/minikraken2_v2_8GB_201904_UPDATE:/db'

    tuple val(sample_id), file(summary), file(reads), file(fast5)

    path "out.txt"

  /kraken2/kraken2 -db /db ${reads} --gzip-compressed --output out.txt --report report.txt
process kraken {
  debug true

  container 'pycoqc'

  publishDir "$params.outdir/$sample_id/kraken"

  containerOptions '-v /Users/test_user/minikraken2_v2_8GB_201904_UPDATE:/db'

    tuple val(sample_id), file(summary), file(reads), file(fast5)

    path "out.txt"

  /kraken2/kraken2 -db /db ${reads} --gzip-compressed --output out.txt --report report.txt

Inspecting Logging Directory for Debugging

It is important to find the logs of failed runs and also customize the logs for either debugging purposes or to support/debug yours or other users' failed runs.

There are several ways to do this, (1) by using the Nextflow CLI to query and display the workflow's logs. (2) by using a custom logging template, (3) by running a Nextflow with a report.

Use Nextflow CLI to Query and List Workflow Logs:
# show all recent ran nextflow query for the current user
nextflow log


TIMESTAMP          	DURATION	RUN NAME          	STATUS	REVISION ID	SESSION ID                          	COMMAND                                                                                                                                                                                                             
2022-11-16 13:37:51	-       	clever_brahmagupta	-     	1e60482a2c 	e3372fc2-f6d8-4c14-8032-73d02ae6c634	nextflow run nf-core/nanoseq --input test_run/samplesheets.csv --protocol DNA --skip_basecalling --skip_demultiplexing --skip_quantification

(the RUN_NAME are automatically generated; however you can add your own label to your workflow in your nextflow run with a ---name)

You can then query the entire working directory and the stdout and std-err for each proceses of the workflow as follows:

nextflow log clever_brahmagupta -f workdir,name,exit,status


/gpfs/home/me/work/04/c911cff4dd97f43cd1537371e533bf	NFCORE_NANOSEQ:NANOSEQ:INPUT_CHECK:SAMPLESHEET_CHECK (samplesheet.csv)	0	COMPLETED
/gpfs/home/me/work/83/61b87c6b30c0ed95f17d11947c1293	NFCORE_NANOSEQ:NANOSEQ:QCFASTQ_NANOPLOT_FASTQC:NANOPLOT (WT_R1)	0	COMPLETED
/gpfs/home/me/work/48/36d7e0d987eb42770d52dbf4bb96a9	NFCORE_NANOSEQ:NANOSEQ:QCFASTQ_NANOPLOT_FASTQC:FASTQC (WT_R1)	0	COMPLETED
/gpfs/home/me/work/a3/afb0a76cddbc0bed0be89ae0ddc4ac	NFCORE_NANOSEQ:NANOSEQ:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAREVERSIONS (1)	0	COMPLETED
/gpfs/home/me/work/86/3088143ac9c4d4878cb954e5795f7e	NFCORE_NANOSEQ:NANOSEQ:MULTIQC (1)	0	COMPLETED
Use a Custom Logging Template

You could write a Markdown or HTML template that would summarize every single process in a workflow into a single file. e.g.,

## $name



exist status: $exit
task status: $status
task folder: $folder

write a log of every process in a workflow:

nextflow log goofy_kilby -t >
Attach a Nextflow Report

You could run a Nextflow workflow --with-report parameter; and the resulting workflow will output a single HTML file containing a breakdown of every single process.

nextflow run <pipeline name> -with-report [file name]

output: task report

Nextflow advanced control-flow Channel and Subworkflow

Motivation: Basic control-flows of if and else seems to be sufficient for most use cases. But what if you have a complex sample sheet or an complex intermediate data structure in your workflow - that requires different processes.

(e.g., a samplesheet containing a mixed rows of long reads or short reads; an annotation pipeline that needs to process a mix of both prokaryotes or eukaryotes organisms).

Nextflow provides a mechanism to do this called Channel where you can iterate/filter/map over each item in a data structure (similar to Python lambda expressions); and fork each item to the right sub-workflow.


Suppose there is a WT_1 and a A1 sample; respectively having a fastq file or a fast5 directory associated with it. Therefore, a QC workflow taking this samplesheet will have to create a Channel from the sample sheet CSV; and filter for the samples with a FAST5 input and run base-calling on it first; and another filter for FASTQ input to run QC directly.

workflow {
     /* first filter in the samplesheet, rows where fast5 is specified; run Guppy */
            .filter(row -> row.fast5)
            .set { fast5_ch }
     BASE_CALL (fast5_ch).set { base_called_ch }
     /* then filter for in the samplesheet, rows where fastq or sequencing_summary.txt is specified */
            .filter(row -> (row.summary || row.reads) && !row.fast5)
            .map { get_sample_info(it) }.set { fastq_ch }
     /* now both fastq_ch and base_called_ch have fastq files, combine both channels 
         and process fast1 files*/
     PROCESS_SAMPLE (fastq_ch.concat(base_called_ch))


// Function to resolve files and verify files exist
def get_sample_info(LinkedHashMap sample) {
    summary = sample.read_summary ? file(sample.read_summary, checkIfExists: true) : null
    reads = sample.reads ? file (sample.reads, checkIfExists: true) : null
    fast5 = sample.fast5 ? file(sample.fast5, checkIfExists: true) : null

    return [ sample.sample_id, summary, reads, fast5 ]

Full Nextflow Workflow

See here: workflows/

Nextflow shell command:

nextflow run --samplesheet samplesheet.csv


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