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  • Install Python 3.11 (Instructions assume python 3 is installed on your PATH as python but may be python3 on OSX)

Check your python version starts with 3.11 i.e.

python --version

Python 3.11.2

Create the virtual environment

From top level repo directory:

python -m venv .venv

...or if using PyCharm when importing project, create venv and set local python interpreter to use it:

In Pycharm:

  1. File -> New Project... :
  2. Select 'New environment using' -> Virtualenv
  3. Set 'location' to top level of project folder
  4. Base interpreter should be set to global Python install.

Enter the virtual environment

...either macOS using bash/zsh:

source .venv/bin/activate

...or if on Windows using Command Prompt:


...or if using Pycharm, if venv not set up during project import:

  1. settings -> project -> python interpreter -> add interpreter -> add local interpreter
  2. If not previously created -> Environment -> New -> select path to top level of project
  3. If previously created -> Environment -> Existing -> Select path to local venv/scripts/python.exe
  4. Do not inherit global site packages

To check if Pycharm is running local interpreter (rather than global):

pip -V    #check the resultant path points to virtual env folder in project

Add pip tools:

python -m pip install pip-tools

Install dependencies:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

NOTE: requirements-dev.txt and requirements.txt are updated using pip-tools pip-compile To update requirements please manually add the dependencies in the .in files (not the requirements.txt files) Then run:



Setup pre-commit checks

  • Install pre-commit locally
  • Pre-commit hooks can either be installed using pip pip install pre-commit or homebrew (for Mac users)brew install pre-commit
  • From your checkout directory run pre-commit install to set up the git hook scripts

Run App or Unit Tests Locally

Local Docker stack must be up-to-date and running with docker compose up in order to use the app/tests locally:

Apply migrations to ensure Docker PostgreSQL container is up-to-date:

flask db upgrade

Now unit tests can be run locally as per normal procedure.

NOTE: If using a newly created image of PSQL, running flask db upgrade may result in an error like: failed: FATAL: database "data_store" does not exist. This is commonly caused by a race-condition that affects Windows users. In this case, the docker-runner repo linked above contains a bash script located at scripts/ Running this should recreate the container and create the database as expected. Re-running flask db upgrade should now result in a container ready to run tests or the app.

To run the app locally:

flask run

App should be available at http://localhost:8080

Updating database migrations

Whenever you make changes to database models, please run:

flask db migrate -m <message>

The message should be a short description of the DB changes made. Don't specify a revision id (using --rev-id) - it will be generated automatically.

The migration file for your changes will be created in ./db/migrations. Please then commit and push these to github so that the migrations will be run in the pipelines to correctly upgrade the deployed db instances with your changes.

CLI Commands

If running the data-store app locally using Flask (i.e not through the Docker runner), these commands can be run from the command-line from a terminal using the same python environment as the running flask application.


Seeds the database with the post-transformation example data csvs from tests/resources

flask seed


Seeds or re-seed the database with the geospatial reference table in isolation with the csv from tests/resources

flask seed-geospatial


Seeds or re-seed the database with the fund reference table in isolation with the csv from tests/resources

flask seed-fund


Returns "success" if the db contains some data

flask seed-test


Reset the database by dropping all data and reseeding the geospatial reference data.

flask reset


Drop all data in the database.

flask drop

Run with docker


Install Docker Desktop

Docker Compose

To run the app alongside other related microservices see


docker build -t communitiesuk/funding-service-design-post-award-data-store .
docker run -p 8080:8080 communitiesuk/funding-service-design-post-award-data-store

App should be available at http://localhost:8080


main branch is continuously deployed to the AWS Test environment, deployments to the Dev and Production environments are triggered by a manual Github Actions workflow.

On the deployed environments we use Paketo buildpacks rather than the local Dockerfile.

Accessing on AWS

As it is deployed as a Backend Service on AWS the service is not publicly accessible. We have written a script to allow you to tunnel from your local machine to the environment

  • You will need to be granted AWS access with aws-vault setup as a pre-requisite (ask another developer how to gain access and set these up)
  • Use AWS vault to exec into the account for the environment you would like to access
  • Run: ./scripts/ 9999
  • This should expose the remote environment at http://localhost:9999