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Recommender system predicting user beer preferences.

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Is a pintelligent* recommendation alegorithm* that uses data scraped from to suggest novel beers based on a user's favourites.

*Nice one ChatGPT, but I'll stick with 'BeerBot' thank you.

Parses json data scraped from and Each user's highest-scoring beers are added to a list in a dictionary, with the user's name as its key.

Only the index number of each beer is saved to the dictionary, so a second dictionary is created, which maps the index numbers to their names.

Discovers statistics from the data, to help choose which dataset to use. BeerAdvocate's was deemed most suitable.

Uses Kernel Principal Component Analysis to produce a scree plot showing the cumulative variance explained by each extra dimension in the data.

There are 77,000 beers in the dataset, which is too many dimensions for a neural network (running locally) to reasonably handle. By using matrix decomposition techniques, we can map the data to a lower-dimension space - if we can estimate the number of dimensions needed to hold a reasonably accurate representation.

The scree plot shows 384 dimensions are enough to capture 95% of the variance in the data.

Trains a Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (T-SVD) model to reduce the number of dimensions in the data from ~77,000 to 384. T-SVD is suitable for decomposing sparse data - but as a linear method, roughly analogous to matrix factorisation, it may be possible to improve on its performance with more advanced techniques.

Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) can be used as a non-linear method of dimensionality reduction. It tries to recreate a topological representation of the data in fewer dimensions by maintaining its nearest neighbour graph. It assumes the data must be spread uniformly over its manifold, and so stretches/shrinks regions of dense/sparse data to achieve this. This allows a better capture of the fine details in the high-dimension data, in the low-dimension representation.

An issue with UMAP is the large amount of stored data required to transform newly recieved data between these two states. The trained T-SVD model requires 226 MB of space, whilst the UMAP model requires 17.5 GB! With a commensurate processing time for matrix operations when transforming fresh data.

Parametric-UMAP aims to solve this problem by combining the graph approach of UMAP with a Keras autoencoder neural network. It samples the data, based on nearest neighbour edge probabilities, and learns how to decompose it into a parametric embedding - and how to recompose it back into almost its original state. It requires substantial computational resources to train this autoencoder model, but once finished, the model has a similar size to T-SVD, but with many of the non-linear and topological representations of UMAP - in theory.

In reality, the decoder learns that just by guessing 'zero' for each one-hot feature, it can almost perfectly recompose the original extremely sparse vector. Meaning no beers get recommended. Implementing a better-suited loss function (based on cosine distance or the Sørensen–Dice coefficient) may improve performance.

Turns the dictionary of each user's highest-scoring beers into a one-hot array (x_data) then randomly removes some beers to use as the targets that the neural network will attempt to learn (y_data).

This process is repeated several times, with different beers being selected each time. This multiplies the amount of training data available.

Defines a neural network and trains it to recognise the missing favourite beers of each user.

A work in progress. The training graph loss plot shows the model is under-fitting and requires more training or possibly a wider/deeper neural network. It also might benefit from a higher learning rate, and more training data.


Searches for the best matches in the 'beer_dict' dictionary with the user's favourite beers. Uses the returned indices to create a one-hot vector, which is then decomposed using T-SVD, then transformed by the neural network into a probability distribution describing the 'missing' favourite beers. This vector is recomposed back into its original high-dimension space, then the matching names are looked up in 'beer_dict' dictionary.