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KUBESAW-43: Introduce LastUpdatedTime as prefered one #61

KUBESAW-43: Introduce LastUpdatedTime as prefered one

KUBESAW-43: Introduce LastUpdatedTime as prefered one #61

Triggered via pull request May 13, 2024 12:41
Status Success
Total duration 1m 13s


on: pull_request
GolangCI Lint
1m 6s
GolangCI Lint
Generate SBOM
Generate SBOM
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4 warnings
Generate SBOM
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: CycloneDX/gh-gomod-generate-sbom@v2. For more information see:
GolangCI Lint
Restore cache failed: Dependencies file is not found in /home/runner/work/member-operator/member-operator. Supported file pattern: go.sum
GolangCI Lint
Unexpected input(s) 'skip-pkg-cache', 'skip-build-cache', valid inputs are ['version', 'install-mode', 'working-directory', 'github-token', 'only-new-issues', 'skip-cache', 'skip-save-cache', 'problem-matchers', 'args', 'cache-invalidation-interval']
GolangCI Lint
Unexpected input(s) 'skip-pkg-cache', 'skip-build-cache', valid inputs are ['version', 'install-mode', 'working-directory', 'github-token', 'only-new-issues', 'skip-cache', 'skip-save-cache', 'problem-matchers', 'args', 'cache-invalidation-interval']