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VPN setup between AWS and Alicloud using Terraform

Note: This is not a guide on the internals of a Virtual Private Network. Rather, this post outlines how to setup a VPN connection between AWS and Alicloud. This guide uses Terraform for making API calls and state management. You can chose to use any HTTP client or aws and alicloud CLIs as well for making the same API calls and end up with a working VPN connection. Problem Statement

When you are working in a multicloud environment, many scenarios involve establishing a communication channel between services and resources that lie across cloud providers. For example, you might have a common Rundeck machine that deployes the build binaries onto virtual machines residing in AWS as well as Azure. Another example might be a script in your CI/CD platform that interacts periodically with resources across cloud providers like RDS, Mongo, RabbitMQ, etc., for regularly monitoring or updating different ACL Policies.

Multi Cloud Architecture

Creating a VPN connection helps you securely access resources on one cloud provider from another over an encrypted connection. A VPN connection helps you avoid the hassle of exposing public endpoints for each resource and then securing it. You can simply go ahead and whietelist a CIDR block across the VPCs and all your traffic in the given CIDR range will then be routed over this secure, encrypted connection.

VPN Setup

Aws Alicloud VPN Architecture

Setting up a VPN connection mainly involves setting up the following components in both AWS and Alicloud:

  • VPN Gateway
  • Customer Gateway
  • VPN Connection
  • Connection Route

First and foremost, following are the cluster specific variables that we will need for AWS and Alicloud:

Variables and Cluster Definition

# Default region: Singapore
variable "aws_vpc" {
  type = object({
    region    = string
    profile   = string
    vpc_id    = string
    cidr      = string
    subnet_id = string
  default = {
    region    = "ap-southeast-1"
    profile   = "aws-profile"
    vpc_id    = "123456789"
    cidr      = ""
    subnet_id = "subnet-123"
# Default region: Singapore
# vswitch: AWS subnet equivalent in Alicloud
variable "alicloud_vpc" {
  type = object({
    region      = string
    profile     = string
    vpc_id      = string
    cidr        = string
    vswitch_id  = string
  default = {
    region      = "ap-southeast-1"
    profile     = "alicloud-profile"
    vpc_id      = "987654321"
    cidr        = ""
    vswitch_id  = "vswitch-123"

Terraform Providers for AWS and Alicloud

provider "aws" {
  region  = var.aws_vpc.region
  version = "~> 2.45.0"
  profile = var.aws_vpc.profile
provider "alicloud" {
  region  = var.alicloud_vpc.region
  version = "1.71.1"
  profile = var.alicloud_vpc.profile

The first step is creating VPN Gateways in both Alicloud and AWS:

resource "alicloud_vpn_gateway" "aws_vpn_gateway" {
  name                 = "AWS-VPN-Gateway"
  vpc_id               = var.alicloud_vpc.vpc_id
  bandwidth            = "10"
  enable_ssl           = false
  instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
  description          = "AWS-VPN-Gateway"
  vswitch_id           = var.alicloud_vpc.vswitch_id
resource "aws_vpn_gateway" "alicloud_vpn_gateway" {
  vpc_id = var.aws_vpc.vpc_id
  tags = {
    Name = "Alicloud-VPN-GW"

VPN Setup in AWS

Creating the VPN Gateway will give us a publically accessible IP address of that gateway. In the first step, we will use the IP address of the Alicloud VPN Gateway to setup AWS side of things. Later on, we will repeat the same process in for Alicloud as well.

AWS Customer Gateway

According to AWS:

A customer gateway is a resource in AWS that provides information to AWS about your Customer Gateway Device A Customer Gateway basically lets AWS know about the remote/destination address where the traffic should be forwarded if the destination IP belongs to the Alicloud CIDR range

resource "aws_customer_gateway" "alicloud_vpn_gw" {
  bgp_asn    = 65000
  ip_address = alicloud_vpn_gateway.aws_vpn_gateway.internet_ip
  type       = "ipsec.1"
  tags = {
    Name = "alicloud-customer-gateway"

VPN Connection

You Shall Not Pass

A VPN Connection resource in AWS creates 2 Tunnels between your VPC and the remote network (Alicloud Network represented by customer_gateway_id in this case). AWS will create 2 tunnels for redundancy. In case one of the tunnels goes down, the traffic is automatically routed through the other tunnel

resource "aws_vpn_connection" "alicloud_vpn_connection" {
  vpn_gateway_id      =
  customer_gateway_id =
  type                = "ipsec.1"
  static_routes_only  = true

VPN Connection Route Entry

This entry tells the VPN connection created in the previous step about the CIDR range of the destination

resource "aws_vpn_connection_route" "alicloud" {
  destination_cidr_block = var.alicloud_vpc.cidr
  vpn_connection_id      =

AWS Route Table Modification

Next we need to fetch the route table of the private subnet and modify the route table to tell AWS to forward all the traffic ,belonging to the CIDR range of the destination, to the VPN Gateway that we created above

data "aws_route_table" "aws_private_subnet_rt" {
  subnet_id = var.aws_vpc.subnet_id
resource "aws_route" "r" {
  route_table_id            =
  destination_cidr_block    = var.alicloud_vpc.cidr
  gateway_id =

Once the AWS setup is done, we are going to repeat the same steps for Alicloud as well. I am not going to explain the terminologies again for Alicloud as they are more or less the same.

VPN Setup in Alicloud

First of all, we will create 2 customer gateways in Alicloud - one for each of the Tunnels created by the VPN Connection in AWS. The ip_address parameter will contain the IP address of each of the tunnels

Customer Gateway

resource "alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway" "aws_customer_gateway_1" {
  name        = "AWSCustomerGateway1"
  ip_address  = aws_vpn_connection.alicloud_vpn_connection.tunnel1_address
  description = "AWSCustomerGateway1"
resource "alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway" "aws_customer_gateway_2" {
  name        = "AWSCustomerGateway2"
  ip_address  = aws_vpn_connection.alicloud_vpn_connection.tunnel2_address
  description = "AWSCustomerGateway2"

VPN Connection

# `effect_immediately` parameter determines weather to delete a successfully negotiated IPsec tunnel and initiate a negotiation again
resource "alicloud_vpn_connection" "ipsec_connection_1" {
  name                = "IPSecConnection1"
  vpn_gateway_id      =
  customer_gateway_id =
  local_subnet        = [var.alicloud_vpc.cidr]
  remote_subnet       = [var.aws_vpc.cidr]
  effect_immediately  = true
  ike_config {
    ike_auth_alg  = "sha1"
    ike_enc_alg   = "aes"
    ike_version   = "ikev1"
    ike_mode      = "main"
    ike_lifetime  = 86400
    psk           = aws_vpn_connection.alicloud_vpn_connection.tunnel1_preshared_key
    ike_pfs       = "group2"
    ike_local_id = alicloud_vpn_gateway.aws_vpn_gateway.internet_ip
    ike_remote_id = aws_vpn_connection.alicloud_vpn_connection.tunnel1_address
  ipsec_config {
    ipsec_pfs      = "group2"
    ipsec_enc_alg  = "aes"
    ipsec_auth_alg = "sha1"
    ipsec_lifetime = 86400
resource "alicloud_vpn_connection" "ipsec_connection_2" {
  name                = "IPSecConnection2"
  vpn_gateway_id      =
  customer_gateway_id =
  local_subnet        = [var.alicloud_vpc.cidr]
  remote_subnet       = [var.aws_vpc.cidr]
  effect_immediately  = true
  ike_config {
    ike_auth_alg  = "sha1"
    ike_enc_alg   = "aes"
    ike_version   = "ikev1"
    ike_mode      = "main"
    ike_lifetime  = 86400
    psk           = aws_vpn_connection.alicloud_vpn_connection.tunnel2_preshared_key
    ike_pfs       = "group2"
    ike_local_id = alicloud_vpn_gateway.aws_vpn_gateway.internet_ip
    ike_remote_id = aws_vpn_connection.alicloud_vpn_connection.tunnel2_address
  ipsec_config {
    ipsec_pfs      = "group2"
    ipsec_enc_alg  = "aes"
    ipsec_auth_alg = "sha1"
    ipsec_lifetime = 86400

Although, only a few of the above parameters are mandatory for making the request, have put in the exhaustive list just to give you guys an idea of what the parameters are.

VPN Connection Route Entry

resource "alicloud_vpn_route_entry" "alicloud_vpn_route_entry_1" {
  vpn_gateway_id =
  route_dest     = var.aws_vpc.cidr
  next_hop       =
  weight         = 0
  publish_vpc    = true
resource "alicloud_vpn_route_entry" "alicloud_vpn_route_entry_2" {
  vpn_gateway_id =
  route_dest     = var.aws_vpc.cidr
  next_hop       =
  weight         = 100
  publish_vpc    = true

That's all folks


VPN setup between AWS and Alicloud using Terraform







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