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Code for Vieira et al., Germline-encoded specificities and the predictability of the B cell response.


  1. Pre-processing and annotation of sequence data.
  2. Pre-calculation of germline allele frequencies, lineage sizes, mutation frequencies, and randomization-based null distributions.
  3. Empirical analyses
  4. Running simulations
  5. Analyzing simulation results

Because several steps are computationally expensive and assume access to a computing cluster, we provide intermediate files in this Zenodo repository along with the data, so users can reproduce the analyses starting from different points. Decompress the files from Zenodo and put the folders in the code's root folder.


R Packages: readr, plyr, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, cowplot, purr, stringr, Biostrings, seqinr, RColorBrewer, yaml, msa, truncnorm, scales, vegan, shazam.

Other software: partis, pRESTO, Immcantation wrapper for IgBlast

1. Pre-processing and annotation of sequence data

1.1. Run to break the file containing the main BCR sequence dataset into a separate csv file for each mouse.

1.2. Run to run partis using the OGRDB allele database for all mice from the specified time point (passed as an argument: 8, 16, 24, 40 or 56). This script generates a sbatch file for each mouse and uses it to submit a job to a SLURM-based cluster (precise sbatch configurations need to be modified by the user).

1.3 Run to run partis using the IMGT allele database instead of the OGRDB one.

1.4. Run to process the yaml files produced by partis by running one SLURM job per mouse. Alternatively, the user can run the associated R script, process_partis_output.R, with the paths to the yaml and csv files for a single mouse as arguments. For each mouse, this processing produces the following files

  • [mouse_id]_annotated_seqs.csv: sequence-level annotations (one sequence per row).
  • [mouse_id]_clone_info_[partis_ogrdb/partis/igblast].csv: clone-level annotation (one B cell clone per row).
  • [mouse_id]_mutations_per_vgene_base[partis_ogrdb/partis].csv: frequency of mutations for each position in each germline V allele (one row per position).
  • [v/d/j]_genes_[partis_ogrdb/partis]_[mouse_id].fasta: fasta file with the sequences of germline alleles detected in each mouse.

1.5. Run combine_files_across_mice.R to combine those files across mice to produce a single file of each type, while also exporting counts of sequences per mouse/cell type/tissue/clone.

1.6. Run to process paired-end reads from an independent naive B cell data set from Greiff et al.(2017) using pRESTO v0.6.2.

1.7. Run to run partis on the processed reads from this second dataset and process the resulting yaml files.

1.7 Run to estimate the sequencing/amplification error rate based on mutated bases in the constant region, using a SLURM-based cluster (with user-specific configurations) to run for multiple mouse-specific .csv files.

2. Pre-calculation of germline allele frequencies, lineage sizes, mutation frequencies, and randomization-based null distributions.

precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R runs the bulk of the computations used by subsequent empirical analyses. It has 4 positional arguments. The first is either all_seqs (to compute frequencies based on all productive sequences) or unique_seqs (to compute frequencies using only unique productive sequences). The second (TRUE or FALSE) determines whether naive frequencies are to be estimated from the alternative dataset by Greiff et al. 2017. The third (TRUE or FALSE) determines whether novel alleles identified by partis are to be counted together with their inferred parent alleles. The fourth (partis_ogrdb, partis or igblast) determines which germline-allele/clonal assignment will be used. To perform the analyses in the paper, run:

2.1. Rscript precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R all_seqs FALSE FALSE partis_ogrdb: default analyses presented in the main text.

2.2. Rscript precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R unique_seqs FALSE FALSE partis_ogrdb: sensitivity analysis for using unique sequences only.

2.3. Rscript compute_naive_freqs_seq_data_Greiff2017.R: computes naive frequencies based on the alternative naive B cell dataset (requires the output of 2.1).

2.4. Rscript precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R all_seqs TRUE FALSE partis_ogrdb: sensitivity analysis for using naive alleles frequencies from the independent naive B cell dataset. (requires the output of 2.3).

2.4. Rscript precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R all_seqs FALSE TRUE partis: sensitivity using the the partis assignment based on IMGT alleles.

2.5. Rscript precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R all_seqs FALSE TRUE partis: as in 2.4, but collapsing novel alleles.

2.7. Rscript precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R all_seqs FALSE FALSE igblast: sensitivity analysis using IgBLAST to assign germline alleles and clones.

Because of bootstrapping and replicated randomizations (with large numbers of pairwise comparisons between mice), precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R takes a few hours to run. It could be modified to run the randomizations in parallel (or otherwise optimized), but we did not find it necessary because it only needs to be run once for each case (main analysis or sensitivity analysis). Each run of precompute_gene_and_mutation_frequencies.R exports .RData file to the results directory to be used by downstream scripts.

3. Empirical analyses

Different scripts execute different parts of the analysis, exporting plots as .RData objects to be subsequently combined by make_MS_figures.R. By default, figures are exported to figures/all_seqs_freqs/. Figures specificic to sensitivity analyses are exported to the other directories in figures (see below).

3.1. Sorted cells and ELISA titers

Run sorted_cells_and_ELISA_titers.R

3.2. Number of V alleles in each mouse, and number of alleles shared between mice

Run v_gene_sets_exploration.R partis_ogrdb FALSE

3.3. Size and composition of B cell lineages (clones)

Run clone_size_and_composition.R partis_ogrdb

3.3.Mutability of germline alleles

annotate_germline_FRs_CDRs.sbatch annotates germline allele sequences with FR and CDR positions using the Immcantation wrapper for IgBlast. Because this script is specific to our cluster configuration, we provide the output file (germline_genes_igblast.tsv) in the results directory via the Zenodo repository. Run estimate_germline_mutability.R to estimate the mutability of germline V alleles.

3.4. Analysis of high-frequency mutations

Run SHM_analysis.R ../results/precomputed_gene_freqs_all_seqs_partis_ogrdb.RData

3.5 CDR3 analysis

Run CDR3_analysis.R partis_ogrdb.

3.6 Analysis of germline allele frequencies

allele_frequency_analysis.R takes as input the output of step 2 (for instance, ../results/precomputed_gene_freqs_all_seqs_partis_ogrdb.RData).

3.7 Make figures

From the code directory, run make_MS_figures.R with one of the following paths as an argument:

../figures/all_seqs_partis_ogrdb/: main analysis.

../figures/unique_seqs_partis_ogrdb/: sensitivity analysis for using unique sequences only.

../figures/all_seqs_partis_ogrdb_Greiff2017_naive_freqs/: analysis based on alternative naive sequence data.

../figures/all_seqs_partis/: analysis using partis with IMGT alleles.

../figures/all_seqs_partis_collapsed_novel_alleles/: analysis using partis with IMGT alleles but collapsing novel alleles.

../figures/all_seqs_igblast/: analysis using IgBLAST germline assignment.

4. Running simulations

4.1 Create input files specifying different scenarios

Run simulation_scenarios.R to create input files for the different scenarios. Input files and results are stored in the directory corresponding to each scenario in results/simulations/. For each scenario, there are two types of input files: First, allele_info.csv specificies alleles' affinity distributions, mutabilities and naive frequencies. Second model_parameters.csv specificies model parameters (different parameter combinations are kept in different directories within raw_simulation_files/).

4.2 Run simulations [scenario_directory] [n. individuals] [n. GCs] [n.simultaneous tasks] runs simulations for multiple germinal centers, individuals and parameter combinations, assuming a (user-specific) SLURM cluster configuration. A number of germinal centers in a single individual are simulated sequentially for a single parameter combination by running run_simulations.R with positional arguments:

Rscript run_simulations.R [path to allele_info.csv] [path to model_paramters.csv] [n. GCs] [individual id]

where individual_id is an integer specifying a single individual represented in allele_info.csv.

4.3 Combine simulated GCs [scenario directory] combines output files in the raw_simulation_files subdirectory for a given scenario.

5. Analyzing simulations

5.1 Summarize simulation results

Run Rscript summarize_simulations [scenario directory] to produce an .RData object with summary statistics for the chosen scenario.

5.2 Plot simulation results

Run plot_simulations.R to make figures for all scenarios combined (exported to figures/simulations/).


V gene usage in mice infected with flu.






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