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a11ytables v0.1.0

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@matt-dray matt-dray released this 20 Jul 08:49
· 9 commits to main since this release

This is the first non-developmental release of the package. 馃帀

There are several breaking changes:

  • Renamed the new_a11ytable() function to create_a11ytable() (#27)
  • Renamed the create_a11y_wb() function to generate_workbook() and changed the main argument from 'content' to 'a11ytable' (#27)
  • Removed the 'table_names' argument to create_a11ytable() and instead autogenerate them from the user-provided 'tab_title' (#61)
  • Introduced the 'blank_cells' argument to create_a11ytable() so the user can provide a table-by-table reason for why cells might be empty (#62)
  • Adjusted the in-built mtcars_df dataset to better fit the changes to the functions

See the NEWS file for the full changes鈥攚hich include updated docs, tests and several (non-breaking) changes to the underlying code鈥攐r review them in the pull request.

Some users may have been using the package prior to these breaking changes. To install the last in-development version prior to v0.1.0:

# install.packages("remotes")  # if not already installed