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JavaScript Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive List for Quick Reference

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JavaScript Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive List for Quick Reference

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Table of Contents

JavaScript Cheat Sheet

  • Basics

    • On page script:

      <script type="text/javascript">
    • Include external JS file:

      <script src="filename.js"></script>
    • Delay - 1 second timeout:

      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 1000);
    • Functions:

      function addNumbers(a, b) {
          return a + b;
      x = addNumbers(1, 2);
    • Edit DOM element:

      document.getElementById("elementID").innerHTML = "";
    • Output:

      console.log(a);             // write to the browser console
      document.write(a);          // write to the HTML
      alert(a);                   // output in an alert box
      confirm("Really?");         // yes/no dialog, returns true/false depending on user click
      prompt("Your age?","0");    // input dialog. Second argument is the initial value
    • Comments:

      /* Multi line
      comment */
      // One line comment
  • Variables

    var a;                          // variable
    var b = "init";                 // string
    var c = "Hi" + " " + "Joe";     // = "Hi Joe"
    var d = 1 + 2 + "3";            // = "33"
    var e = [2,3,5,8];              // array
    var f = false;                  // boolean
    var g = /()/;                   // RegEx
    var h = function(){};           // function object
    const PI = 3.14;                // constant
    var a = 1, b = 2, c = a + b;    // one line
    let z = 'zzz';                  // block scope local variable
    • Strict mode:

      "use strict";   // Use strict mode to write secure code
      x = 1;          // Throws an error because variable is not declared
    • Values:

      false, true                     // boolean
      18, 3.14, 0b10011, 0xF6, NaN    // number
      "flower", 'John'                // string
      undefined, null , Infinity      // special    
    • Operators:

      a = b + c - d;      // addition, substraction
      a = b * (c / d);    // multiplication, division
      x = 100 % 48;       // modulo. 100 / 48 remainder = 4
      a++; b--;           // postfix increment and decrement
    • Bitwise operators:

      &	AND                     5 & 1 (0101 & 0001)     1 (1)
      |	OR                      5 | 1 (0101 | 0001)     5 (101)
      ~	NOT                     ~ 5 (~0101)             10 (1010)
      ^	XOR                     5 ^ 1 (0101 ^ 0001)     4 (100)
      <<	left shift              5 << 1 (0101 << 1)      10 (1010)
      >>	right shift             5 >> 1 (0101 >> 1)      2 (10)
      >>>	zero fill right shift   5 >>> 1 (0101 >>> 1)	2 (10)
    • Arithmetic:

      a * (b + c)         // grouping
      person.age          // member
      person[age]         // member
      !(a == b)           // logical not
      a != b              // not equal
      typeof a            // type (number, object, function...)
      x << 2  x >> 3      // minary shifting
      a = b               // assignment
      a == b              // equals
      a != b              // unequal
      a === b             // strict equal
      a !== b             // strict unequal
      a < b   a > b       // less and greater than
      a <= b  a >= b      // less or equal, greater or eq
      a += b              // a = a + b (works with - * %...)
      a && b              // logical and
      a || b              // logical or
  • Data Types

    var age = 18;                           // number 
    var name = "Jane";                      // string
    var name = {first:"Jane", last:"Doe"};  // object
    var truth = false;                      // boolean
    var sheets = ["HTML","CSS","JS"];       // array
    var a; typeof a;                        // undefined
    var a = null;                           // value null
    • Objects:

      var student = {                 // object name
          firstName:"Jane",           // list of properties and values
          fullName: function() {     // object function
              return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
      student.age = 19;           // setting value
      student[age]++;             // incrementing
      name = student.fullName();  // call object function
  • Strings

    var abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    var esc = 'I don\'t \n know';   // \n new line
    var len = abc.length;           // string length
    abc.indexOf("lmno");            // find substring, -1 if doesn't contain 
    abc.lastIndexOf("lmno");        // last occurance
    abc.slice(3, 6);                // cuts out "def", negative values count from behind
    abc.replace("abc","123");       // find and replace, takes regular expressions
    abc.toUpperCase();              // convert to upper case
    abc.toLowerCase();              // convert to lower case
    abc.concat(" ", str2);          // abc + " " + str2
    abc.charAt(2);                  // character at index: "c"
    abc[2];                         // unsafe, abc[2] = "C" doesn't work
    abc.charCodeAt(2);              // character code at index: "c" -> 99
    abc.split(",");                 // splitting a string on commas gives an array
    abc.split("");                  // splitting on characters
    128.toString(16);               // number to hex(16), octal (8) or binary (2)
  • Numbers and Math

    var pi = 3.141;
    pi.toFixed(0);          // returns 3
    pi.toFixed(2);          // returns 3.14 - for working with money
    pi.toPrecision(2)       // returns 3.1
    pi.valueOf();           // returns number
    Number(true);           // converts to number
    Number(new Date())      // number of milliseconds since 1970
    parseInt("3 months");   // returns the first number: 3
    parseFloat("3.5 days"); // returns 3.5
    Number.MAX_VALUE        // largest possible JS number
    Number.MIN_VALUE        // smallest possible JS number
    Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY// -Infinity
    Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY// Infinity
    • Math:

      var pi = Math.PI;       // 3.141592653589793
      Math.round(4.4);        // = 4 - rounded
      Math.round(4.5);        // = 5
      Math.pow(2,8);          // = 256 - 2 to the power of 8
      Math.sqrt(49);          // = 7 - square root 
      Math.abs(-3.14);        // = 3.14 - absolute, positive value
      Math.ceil(3.14);        // = 4 - rounded up
      Math.floor(3.99);       // = 3 - rounded down
      Math.sin(0);            // = 0 - sine
      Math.cos(Math.PI);      // OTHERS: tan,atan,asin,acos,
      Math.min(0, 3, -2, 2);  // = -2 - the lowest value
      Math.max(0, 3, -2, 2);  // = 3 - the highest value
      Math.log(1);            // = 0 natural logarithm 
      Math.exp(1);            // = 2.7182pow(E,x)
      Math.random();          // random number between 0 and 1
      Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;  // random integer, from 1 to 5
    • Constants like Math.PI:

      E, PI, SQRT2, SQRT1_2, LN2, LN10, LOG2E, Log10E

  • Arrays

    var dogs = ["Bulldog", "Beagle", "Labrador"]; 
    var dogs = new Array("Bulldog", "Beagle", "Labrador");  // declaration
    alert(dogs[1]);             // access value at index, first item being [0]
    dogs[0] = "Bull Terier";    // change the first item
    for (var i = 0; i < dogs.length; i++) {     // parsing with array.length
    • Methods:

      dogs.toString();                        // convert to string: results "Bulldog,Beagle,Labrador"
      dogs.join(" * ");                       // join: "Bulldog * Beagle * Labrador"
      dogs.pop();                             // remove last element
      dogs.push("Chihuahua");                 // add new element to the end
      dogs[dogs.length] = "Chihuahua";        // the same as push
      dogs.shift();                           // remove first element
      dogs.unshift("Chihuahua");              // add new element to the beginning
      delete dogs[0];                         // change element to undefined (not recommended)
      dogs.splice(2, 0, "Pug", "Boxer");      // add elements (where, how many to remove, element list)
      var animals = dogs.concat(cats,birds);  // join two arrays (dogs followed by cats and birds)
      dogs.slice(1,4);                        // elements from [1] to [4-1]
      dogs.sort();                            // sort string alphabetically
      dogs.reverse();                         // sort string in descending order
      x.sort(function(a, b){return a - b});   // numeric sort
      x.sort(function(a, b){return b - a});   // numeric descending sort
      highest = x[0];                         // first item in sorted array is the lowest (or highest) value
      x.sort(function(a, b){return 0.5 - Math.random()});     // random order sort

      concat, copyWithin, every, fill, filter, find, findIndex, forEach, indexOf, isArray, join, lastIndexOf, map, pop, push, reduce, reduceRight, reverse, shift, slice, some, sort, splice, toString, unshift, valueOf

  • Dates

    Sat Jul 08 2023 12:18:24 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
    var d = new Date();
    1688798904720 miliseconds passed since 1970
    Date("2017-06-23");                 // date declaration
    Date("2017");                       // is set to Jan 01
    Date("2017-06-23T12:00:00-09:45");  // date - time YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
    Date("June 23 2017");               // long date format
    Date("Jun 23 2017 07:45:00 GMT+0100 (Tokyo Time)"); // time zone
    • Get Times:

      var d = new Date();
      a = d.getDay();     // getting the weekday
      getDate();          // day as a number (1-31)
      getDay();           // weekday as a number (0-6)
      getFullYear();      // four digit year (yyyy)
      getHours();         // hour (0-23)
      getMilliseconds();  // milliseconds (0-999)
      getMinutes();       // minutes (0-59)
      getMonth();         // month (0-11)
      getSeconds();       // seconds (0-59)
      getTime();          // milliseconds since 1970
    • Setting part of a date:

      var d = new Date();
      d.setDate(d.getDate() + 7); // adds a week to a date
      setDate();          // day as a number (1-31)
      setFullYear();      // year (optionally month and day)
      setHours();         // hour (0-23)
      setMilliseconds();  // milliseconds (0-999)
      setMinutes();       // minutes (0-59)
      setMonth();         // month (0-11)
      setSeconds();       // seconds (0-59)
      setTime();          // milliseconds since 1970)
  • JSON

    var str = '{"names":[' +                    // crate JSON object
    '{"first":"Hakuna","lastN":"Matata" },' +
    '{"first":"Jane","lastN":"Doe" },' +
    '{"first":"Air","last":"Jordan" }]}';
    obj = JSON.parse(str);                      // parse
    document.write(obj.names[1].first);         // access
    • Send:

      var myObj = { "name":"Jane", "age":18, "city":"Chicago" };  // create object
      var myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObj);                         // stringify
      window.location = "demo.php?x=" + myJSON;                   // send to php
    • Storing and retrieving:

      myObj = { "name":"Jane", "age":18, "city":"Chicago" };
      myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObj);                 // storing data
      localStorage.setItem("testJSON", myJSON);   
      text = localStorage.getItem("testJSON");        // retrieving data 
      obj = JSON.parse(text);
  • Regular Expressions

    var a =;
    • Modifiers:

      i   perform case-insensitive matching
      g   perform a global match
      m   perform multiline matching
    • Patterns:

      \           Escape character
      \d          find a digit
      \s          find a whitespace character
      \b          find match at beginning or end of a word
      n+          contains at least one n
      n*          contains zero or more occurrences of n
      n?          contains zero or one occurrences of n
      ^           Start of string
      $           End of string
      \uxxxx      find the Unicode character
      .           Any single character
      (a|b)       a or b
      (...)       Group section
      [abc]       In range (a, b or c)
      [0-9]       any of the digits between the brackets
      [^abc]      Not in range
      \s          White space
      a?          Zero or one of a
      a*          Zero or more of a
      a*?         Zero or more, ungreedy
      a+          One or more of a
      a+?         One or more, ungreedy
      a{2}        Exactly 2 of a
      a{2,}       2 or more of a
      a{,5}       Up to 5 of a
      a{2,5}      2 to 5 of a
      a{2,5}?     2 to 5 of a, ungreedy
      [:punct:]   Any punctu­ation symbol
      [:space:]   Any space character
      [:blank:]   Space or tab
  • If-Else

    if ((age >= 14) && (age < 19)) {        // logical condition
        status = "Eligible.";               // executed if condition is true
    } else {                                // else block is optional
        status = "Not eligible.";           // executed if condition is false
    • Switch Statement:

      switch (new Date().getDay()) {      // input is current day
          case 6:                         // if (day == 6)
              text = "Saturday";          
          case 0:                         // if (day == 0)
              text = "Sunday";
          default:                        // else...
              text = "Whatever";
  • Loops

    • For Loop:

      for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
          document.write(i + ": " + i*3 + "<br />");
      var sum = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
          sum + = a[i];
      }               // parsing an array
      html = "";
      for (var i of custOrder) {
          html += "<li>" + i + "</li>";
    • While Loop:

      var i = 1;                      // initialize
      while (i < 100) {               // enters the cycle if statement is true
          i *= 2;                     // increment to avoid infinite loop
          document.write(i + ", ");   // output
    • Do While Loop:

      var i = 1;                      // initialize
      do {                            // enters cycle at least once
          i *= 2;                     // increment to avoid infinite loop
          document.write(i + ", ");   // output
      } while (i < 100)               // repeats cycle if statement is true at the end
    • Break:

      for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
          if (i == 5) { break; }          // stops and exits the cycle
          document.write(i + ", ");       // last output number is 4
    • Continue:

      for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
          if (i == 5) { continue; }       // skips the rest of the cycle
          document.write(i + ", ");       // skips 5
  • Global Functions

    eval();                     // executes a string as if it was script code
    String(23);                 // return string from number
    (23).toString();            // return string from number
    Number("23");               // return number from string
    decodeURI(enc);             // decode URI. Result: "my page.asp"
    encodeURI(uri);             // encode URI. Result: "my%page.asp"
    decodeURIComponent(enc);    // decode a URI component
    encodeURIComponent(uri);    // encode a URI component
    isFinite();                 // is variable a finite, legal number
    isNaN();                    // is variable an illegal number
    parseFloat();               // returns floating point number of string
    parseInt();                 // parses a string and returns an integer
  • Events

    <button onclick="myFunction();">
        Click here
    • Mouse

      onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseenter, onmouseleave, onmousemove, onmouseover, onmouseout, onmouseup

    • Keyboard

      onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup

    • Frame

      onabort, onbeforeunload, onerror, onhashchange, onload, onpageshow, onpagehide, onresize, onscroll, onunload

    • Form

      onblur, onchange, onfocus, onfocusin, onfocusout, oninput, oninvalid, onreset, onsearch, onselect, onsubmit

    • Drag

      ondrag, ondragend, ondragenter, ondragleave, ondragover, ondragstart, ondrop

    • Clipboard

      oncopy, oncut, onpaste

    • Media

      onabort, oncanplay, oncanplaythrough, ondurationchange, onended, onerror, onloadeddata, onloadedmetadata, onloadstart, onpause, onplay, onplaying, onprogress, onratechange, onseeked, onseeking, onstalled, onsuspend, ontimeupdate, onvolumechange, onwaiting

    • Animation

      animationend, animationiteration, animationstart

    • Miscellaneous

      transitionend, onmessage, onmousewheel, ononline, onoffline, onpopstate, onshow, onstorage, ontoggle, onwheel, ontouchcancel, ontouchend, ontouchmove, ontouchstart

  • Promises

    function sum (a, b) {
    return Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
        setTimeout(function () {                                       // send the response after 1 second
            if (typeof a !== "number" || typeof b !== "number") {        // testing input types
                return reject(new TypeError("Inputs must be numbers"));
            resolve(a + b);
        }, 1000);
    var myPromise = sum(10, 5);
    myPromsise.then(function (result) {
        document.write(" 10 + 5: ", result);
        return sum(null, "foo");              // Invalid data and return another promise
    }).then(function () {                   // Won't be called because of the error
    }).catch(function (err) {               // The catch handler is called instead, after another second
        console.error(err);                   // => Please provide two numbers to sum.
    • States

      pending, fulfilled, rejected

    • Properties

      Promise.length, Promise.prototype

    • Methods

      Promise.all(iterable), Promise.race(iterable), Promise.reject(reason), Promise.resolve(value)

  • Errors

    try {                           // block of code to try
    catch(err) {                    // block to handle errors
    • Throw error:

      throw "My error message";    // throw a text
    • Input validation

      var x = document.getElementById("mynum").value; // get input value
      try { 
          if(x == "")  throw "empty";                 // error cases
          if(isNaN(x)) throw "not a number";
          x = Number(x);
          if(x > 10)   throw "too high";
      catch(err) {                                    // if there's an error
          document.write("Input is " + err);          // output error
          console.error(err);                         // write the error in console
      finally {
          document.write("</br />Done");              // executed regardless of the try / catch result
    • Error name values

      RangeError      A number is "out of range"
      ReferenceError  An illegal reference has occurred
      SyntaxError     A syntax error has occurred
      TypeError       A type error has occurred
      URIError        An encodeURI() error has occurred

Happy Coding...!! 😊


JavaScript Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive List for Quick Reference






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