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Introduction to Cloudinary's CLI

Cloudinary offers a command line interface (CLI) that enables you to make API calls directly in your terminal. The Cloudinary CLI runs on top of the Python SDK.

Course Outline:

The information in this repository's README follows along the structure of the Cloudinary Academy course, Introduction to Cloudinary's CLI and even includes some examples for topics we do not cover in the Introduction to Cloudinary's CLI Course, such as Presets, Named Transformations, Backups, and Auto-Upload mapping.

If you would like to take this 50 minute course, you can enroll for free at

The information below corresponds with the slides used in Introduction to Cloudinary's CLI.

Course Topics:

  • Introduction: 2:42 minutes
  • Environment Setup: 3:38 minutes
  • Helper Tools: 1:36 minutes
  • Uploading: 12:07 minutes
  • Cloudinary URLs: 2:31 minutes
  • Managing Assets: 11:50 minutes
  • Sync: 3:11 minutes
  • Transformations: 10:02 minutes
  • Further Support: 1:53 minutes

Setup Environment

Install Python

Installing Python on Mac with Homebrew

# install brew
mkdir homebrew && curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C homebrew

# install python
brew install python3

Install Cloudinary

Initial install:

pip3 install cloudinary-cli

Update Cloudinary Package:

 pip3 install cloudinary-cli --upgrade

Cloudinary Credentials

Setup Environment Variables

Sign up for free account or login.

Navigate to:

Once you have a Cloudinary account, you can access your CLOUDINARY_URL/API Environment Variable in your Dashboard, as shown below. This credential is comprised of all three of your credentals combined into one line of code. You’ll use the CLOUDINARY_URL to authenticate and get authorization to upload. You can easily copy the CLOUDINARY_URL into your clipboard by clicking on the clipboard icon.

cloudinary url

For Mac (bash or zsh):

export CLOUDINARY_URL=cloudinary://API_KEY:API_SECRET@cloud_name

For Windows (powershell):

set CLOUDINARY_URL=cloudinary://API_KEY:API_SECRET@cloud_name


After setting the environment variable, call config to make cloud_name, api_secret, and api_key available to the CLI. Running the config command will out put these values separately in the terminal. If you ever accidentally reveal the API_SECRET, you can reset in the console.

export CLOUDINARY_URL=cloudinary://API_KEY:API_SECRET@cloud_name
cld config
    cloud_name:	cloud_name
    api_key:	API_KEY
    api_secret:	***************************

Multiple Configs

You setup and reference multiple configs by name. If you set up using this command, you'll need to reference the Cloudinary config by name when you issue a command.

Setup by name (usage)

cld config --from_url <CLOUDINARY_URL from console>
cld -C <cloud_name> <command>

Setup by name (example)

cld config --from_url cloudinary://API_KEY:API_SECRET@cloud_name
cld -C cloud_name config

Helper Tools

You can get usage help on any command

cld --help # lists available commands
cld <command> --help #general help

cld search --help 	# Search API usage

cld <API> #Lists functions of that API

cld admin     # Admin API functions
cld uploader    # Upload API functions



You can easily access the HTML for Cloudinary widgets via the CLI, which you can then copy/paste and embed on your site.

Upload Widget:

cld make upload widget

Media Library widget:

cld make media library widget

Product Gallery widget:

cld make product_gallery widget

Video Player widget:

cld make video_player widget

Uploading Files by Type

Upload (usage)

cld upload file [options]  

Upload (examples)

cld upload sample.jpg resource_type=image
cld upload sample.jpg resource_type=auto
cld upload sample.jpg
cld upload dog.mp4 resource_type=video
cld upload dog.mp4 resource_type=auto
cld upload dog.mp4
cld upload data.json resource_type=raw
cld upload data.json resource_type=auto
cld upload data.json

Resource type can be found in the URL after the cloud name.

Set Public ID during Upload

Explicitly Set the public id. The uploaded asset public id will be sample.

cld upload sample.jpg public_id=sample_id

Assign the Asset Filename. The uploaded public id will be sample.

cld upload sample.jpg use_filename=true unique_filename=false

If you remove the options to make the unique filename false or set it to true, the filename will be appended with _xxxxxx representing 6 random characters. The uploaded public id will be sample_xxxxxx.

cld upload sample.jpg use_filename=true 

If you don't specify a public id or filename the asset public id will be a string of 32 random characters.

cld upload sample.jpg


You can create folders (directories) on the fly by adding them to your public id. The following examples create assets with the same public id.

$ cld upload sample.jpg public_id=my_folder/my_sub_folder/my_name

You can also specify folders as an option.

cld upload sample.jpg folder=my_folder/my_sub_folder/ public_id=my_name

Source Options


cld upload

Private Storage URL (e.g. Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage)

cld upload s3://my-bucket/my-path/example.mp4

Base-64 Data URI



cld upload

Fetching Remote Assets


Fetch is a "delivery" type. Other deliver types include upload, private and authenticated. You find these after the resource type in the URL.


With Fetch you specify the full URL of the remote image and that URL can be found in the Cloudinary URL. Fetch is only for images.

cld url -t fetch ''

The cld url command creates a URL string. The string created by the command above is show below.

You may need to change your settings because Fetched URL is disabled by default.


Create a mapping between a Cloudinary folder and a remote URI (path). Auto-Upload will work for all asset types.

cld create_upload_mapping \
remote_media \

Create a URL to request an asset using the mapping to upload the asset to Cloudinary in the mapped folder.

cld url --open remote_media/commons/b/b4/Apollo_7_Florida.jpg

Cloudinary URLs

We'll be using the URL helper to create URLs. URL requests are handled by Cloudinary and cached on the CDN and then a response is returned.

We can create a URL string



If you want to make a request using the URL, add the --open option


Managing Uploaded Content

Admin functions

List all images

(10 by default).

cld admin resources

For up to 500 in the list.

cld admin resources max_results=500

List all images with prefix.

cld resources type=upload prefix=sample



cld upload rename old_name new_name


cld upload rename sample old-sample

Remove with Destroy and Delete


Remove one asset at a time using pubic id.

cld uploader destroy sample


Remove multiple assets using public id.

cld admin delete_resources image1,image2

Remove multiple assets using prefix.

cld admin delete_resources_by_prefix sunday

Tag on upload

cld upload sample.jpg tags=animal

Tag after upload

cld add_tag animal public_ids=sample

Remove a single tag by name

cld remove_tag animal sample

Remove all tags

cld remove_all_tags sample  

Remove assets from CDN

Use the invalidate option.

cld destroy sample invalidate=true


Synchronize a local directory to the cloud using push and pull command. push copies the local directory up to the cloud and pull downloads a cloud directory to the local file system.


# upload
cld sync --push <local directory> <cloud directory>
# download
cld sync --pull <local directory> <cloud directory>


cld sync --push ~/Pictures/images test-images
cld sync --pull ~/Pictures/myimages test-images


Transformations can be provided as comma separated lists of options as they appear in the URL or as key/value assignments.

Create URLs with Transformations including cropping (height, width, crop), formatting (fetch_format) and compressing (quality).


The code below will set the width to 300, height to 200 and crop using scale by default. The resource type is set to video.

This example provides the transformation as it would appear in the URL and the resource type as an option.

cld url dog.mp4 w_300,h_200,c_crop -rt video

You'll see this URL:,h_200,c_crop/dog.mp4


This example provides the transformation as a key/value assignment. The f_ is a shorthand for format.

cld url toshi.jpg f_auto

You'll see this URL:


This example provides the transformation as a key/value assignment

cld url robot.jpg q_auto

You'll see this URL:


Use r_<value> to create rounding similar to the CSS border-radius. A value of max will create a circle.

cld url face_left.png w_200,h_200,g_face,r_max,c_thumb

You'll see this URL:,h_200,c_thumb,g_face,r_max/face_left.png


Use bo_<size in pixels>_<style>_<color> to create borders similar to the CSS border command.

cld url sample.jpg bo_5px_solid_red

You'll see this URL:

Background Color

Use b_<option> to add a background color. Options include auto which chooses the image predominant color, or auto:border_contrast, or auto:predominant_contrast.

cld url sample.jpg h_300,w_300,c_pad,b_auto

You'll see this URL:,w_300,c_pad,b_auto/sample.jpg

Effects and Filters

The e_ is for effect. You can see the documentation on effects and filters to see all the options.

Outline Effect

In the transformation below the balloon has an orange outline.

cld url -o -t upload -o balloon.png h_200/e_outline,co_orange/

You'll see this URL. Notice that the outline has a width and blur. The values are defaulted in but you can add your own. The width is 15px and the blur is 200.,c_scale/e_outline:15:200,co_orange/balloon.png

Improve Effect

The improve effect is one of many that apply visual enhancements: improve, gamma,auto_brightness, auto_contrast, auto_color, fill_light, vibrance, contrast, viesus_correct.

cld url -o sample.jpg e_improve:outdoor

You'll see this URL

Art Filters

Try out some of the art filters: al_dente, athena, artistic, audrey, artistic filteraudrey, daguerre and more.

cld url -o horses.jpg e_art:quartz

You'll see a URL like this


You render an image, video, or text on top of another asset. These have many uses including watermarking.

Image over Image

This positions the icon on top of the other image using a compass position of north_east which is the upper right.

cld url \
sample.jpg \

You'll see a URL like this,g_north_east/sample.jpg

Text over Image

When specifying text you need to use it like this font_family_<size in pixels>_<style>:<text>. This example using x, y positioning relative to the center of gravity, which in this case is the north_east. The text is therefore offset down and left 15 pixels from the upper right. If gravity is not included the default is the center of the asset. The color can be specified as a hex value like this example or with a color name.

cld url \
-t upload \
-o \
sample.jpg \

You'll see a URL like this,w_500/co_rgb:ffff00,g_north_east,l_text:Times_90_bold: Bees!,x_15,y_15/sample.jpg


Preset are a named set of instructions to be carried out when an asset is uploaded. It's often used to apply similar crop instructions to any asset that uses it.

Create a preset

The preset below is named mobile_profile_photo and instructs that the asset be cropped using a 640x640 limit crop. It also assigns a tag with the value mobile_upload to the asset.

cld admin create_upload_preset name=mobile_profile_photo width=640 height=640 crop=limit tags=mobile_upload

Use a preset during upload

cld upload santa.jpg upload_preset=mobile_profile_photo

Named Transformations

Create a named transformation

Any transformation string can be stored by name. This can make cleaner URLs and be used for templates. The transformation is named small_fill2 in the example below. The gravite=face option will attempt center the image on face.

cld admin create_transformation small_fill2 width=150 height=100 crop=fill gravity=face

Use a named transformation

cld url sample t_small_fill2


Enable and Configure backups in the DAM.

You can use the CLI ensure a specific asset is backed up.

cld upload sample.jpg backup=true


Cloudinary Academy

Introduction to Cloudinary's CLI Course (Free!)

Cloudinary Documentation

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Asset Credits


Introduction to the Cloudinary's CLI






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