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Rugby Projet

An open source seat reservation application for journalists during rugby matches

Tech Stack . Runing locally . Authors

Tech Stack

Runing locally

You will need to use the environement variables defined in .env.example to run Rugby Project. But for that, you have to rename the .env.example file in to .env.

npm i
npm run db
npm run dev

npm i for install all dependencies
npm run db for delete the old database, generate client prisma types and recreate the database with default data
npm run dev for starte server

Your app should now be running on localhost:3000

Go to localhost:3000/adminRegister to create an admin account

Example csv for import
Be careful, emails will be sent

abC12,Pierre,Martin,Le Figaro,JOURNALIST,
xyZ34,Julie,Bernard,Le Parisien,JOURNALIST,
