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Server Chassis: NestJS + Express.js + MongoDB + Redis + Jest

Chassis for a REST API using NestJS, Express.js, MongoDB and Redis. Tests are run using Jest.


  • node v22.1.0
  • npm v10.7.0
  • Nest CLI
  • MongoDB running locally

Basic Usage

  • use node --run start:dev to run the service in development mode (with NODE_ENV=dev).
  • use node --run lint for code linting.
  • use node --run test for executing tests.
  • use node --run test:e2e for executing e2e tests.
  • use node --run test:cov for tests coverage.

I also recommend to use ncu to find outdated dependencies (and run ncu -u to upgrade package.json).

App is launched listening on 8080 port by default, set the environment variable PORT to change it.

How was this chassis created?

Setup steps

  1. Create NestJS project:

    npm i -g @nestjs/cli
    nest new chassis-nest
    cd chassis-nest
  2. Add Node.js and npm versions used to package.json:

    "engines": {
      "node": ">=22.1.0",
      "npm": ">=10.7.0"
  3. Install mongoose: npm install mongoose.

  4. Install dev dependencies such as linter ones (eslint-plugin-json-format):

    • npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-json-format
  5. Check the eslint configuration, .eslintrc.json file should have:

    "env": {
      "node": true,
      "jest": true

    Also add json-format plugin (the one installed with the dependency eslint-plugin-json-format)

    "plugins": [

    Add .eslintignore file.

  6. Create npm configuration file .npmrc with engine-strict=true in order to notify with an error alert when trying to install/test/start something without the correct Node.js and npm versions.

  7. Install Husky to execute linter fixes and check tests before a commit is created or pushed: npm install --save-dev husky. Install husky git hooks (only once): npx husky init and add it to package.json script called prepare. If you want to make a commit skipping husky pre-commit git hooks you can use git commit -m "..." -n; the same occurs when you want to skip pre-push hooks: git push --no-verify.

  8. Install lint-staged to check linting only in staged files before making a commit: npm install --save-dev lint-staged. Add configuration file .lintstagedrc.

  9. Install CommitLint dev dependencies to apply Conventional Commits: npm install --save-dev @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional and create its configuration file .commitlintrc.json:

      "extends": [
  10. Add pre-commit, pre-push and pre-commit-msg scripts to be run with husky git hooks:

    "pre-commit": "npx lint-staged",
    "pre-commit-msg": "npx --no -- commitlint --edit ${1}",
    "pre-push": "npx jest",
  11. Create .husky/pre-commit file to insert command that should be executed before making a commit. This file looks like this:

    node --run pre-commit
  12. Create .husky/pre-commit-msg file to insert command that should be executed to check the commit message. This file looks like this:

    node --run pre-commit-msg
  13. Create .husky/pre-push file to insert command that should be executed before pushing a commit. This file looks like this:

    node --run pre-push

    If tests fail, commit won't be pushed.

Development steps

  1. Create a new controller: nest g co.

  2. Create a service: nest g s.

  3. Create a module: nest g mo.

  4. Generate a DTO class (with --no-spec because no test file needed for DTO's): nest g class cats/dto/create-cat.dto --no-spec nest g class cats/dto/update-cat.dto --no-spec.

  5. Install DTO validator dependencies (in order to send a 400 BAD_REQUEST error when body does not match DTO): npm i class-validator class-transformer npm i @nestjs/mapped-types

  6. Apply the ValidationPipe globally in our main.ts file:

    app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe({
      whitelist: true, // avoid creating/updating objects with fields not included in DTO by ignoring them
      forbidNonWhitelisted: true, // avoid creating/updating objects with fields not included in DTO by throwing an error 400
      transform: true, // enable auto transform feature to transform body in an instance of the proper DTO, or path/query params to booleans or numbers depending on the indicated type in the controller
  7. Implement validation rules in our CreateCatDto (i.e. @IsString()).

  8. Import validation rules in UpdateCatDto from CreateCatDto and set attributes to be optional (no more duplicated code!).

  9. Install mongoose dependencies: npm i mongoose @nestjs/mongoose.

  10. Setup MongooseModule in AppModule:

      imports: [
    export class AppModule {}
  11. Migrate Cat entity to a Mongoose Schema using @nestjs/mongoose (collection name will be Cats by default if class is named Cat).

  12. Add Schema to MongooseModule:

      imports: [
            name:, // the name of the Cat typescript class, which is "cat"
            schema: CatSchema
      controllers: [CatsController],
      providers: [CatsService],
    export class CatsModule {}
  13. Use Mongoose Cat Model in cats.service.ts:

      private catModel: Model<Cat>,
    ) {}
  14. Install @nestjs/config to work with environment variables in process.env: npm i @nestjs/config. Update AppModule to use process.env variables:

    import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config'
      imports: [
        ConfigModule.forRoot(), // load and parse our .env file from default location
    export class AppModule {}

    To specify another path for this file, let’s pass in an options object into the forRoot() method and set the envFilePath property like so:

      envFilePath: `.env${process.env.NODE_ENV ? `.${process.env.NODE_ENV}` : ''}`,
  15. Generate exception filter to catch exceptions: nest g filter middlewares/http-exception. Add app.useGlobalFilters(new HttpExceptionFilter()); in main.ts.

  16. Create authentication guard: nest g guard auth and install dependencies needed for authentication process: npm i jsonwebtoken uuid ioredis. Create authentication service and its dynamic module. Create cache service and its dynamic module. Import both modules in AppModule and set guard in main.ts:

    // app.module.ts
      imports: [
          useFactory: () => ({
            uri: process.env.REDIS_URI,
          jwtSecret: process.env.JWT_SECRET,
          uuidNamespace: process.env.UUID_NAMESPACE,
    // main.ts
    const authService = app.get(AuthService);
    app.useGlobalGuards(new AuthGuard(authService));

    Another option (instead of using app.useGlobalGuards) is adding AuthGuard as a provider in AuthModule:

    import { APP_GUARD } from '@nestjs/core';
      providers: [
        { provide: APP_GUARD, useClass: AuthGuard },
    export class AuthModule {}
  17. Create JwtUser decorator (to retrieve req.jwtUser) and use it like this: @JwtUser() jwtUser.

    export const JwtUser = createParamDecorator(
      (_data: unknown, ctx: ExecutionContext) => {
        const req = ctx.switchToHttp().getRequest();
        return req.jwtUser;
  18. Document API with OpenAPI Specification.

    18.1. Install @nestjs/swagger and Swagger UI for Express.js: npm i @nestjs/swagger swagger-ui-express.

    18.2. Set up Swagger document in main.ts:

    import { DocumentBuilder, SwaggerModule } from '@nestjs/swagger';
    const options = new DocumentBuilder()
      .setDescription('Chassis for a REST API using NestJS, Express.js, MongoDB and Redis')
    const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);
    SwaggerModule.setup('openapi', app, document);

    To view the Swagger UI go to: http://localhost:8080/openapi.

    18.3. Having a DTO of a POST/PUT request body is not enough to automatically generate de OpenAPI schemas out of the box. This can be addressed at compilation time. Nest provides a plugin that enhances the TypeScript compilation process to reduce the amount of boilerplate code we'd be required to create: @nestjs/swagger/plugin. We can enable NestJS Swagger plugin to help automate the documentation process. Add @nestjs/swagger/plugin to our application nest-cli.json to enable the Swagger CLI plugin:

    "compilerOptions": {
      "deleteOutDir": true,
      "plugins": ["@nestjs/swagger/plugin"]

    18.4. We can now use decorators to set (or override) API methods/properties/responses documentation: @ApiProperty, @ApiResponse, @ApiTags... We also need to fix PartialType for Swagger import { PartialType } from '@nestjs/mapped-types'; ➡️ import { PartialType } from '@nestjs/swagger';

  19. Create entity.repository.ts and cats.repository.ts to follow de Repository Pattern.

  20. Create cache interceptor: nest g interceptor common/interceptors/cache (we cannot use a cache middleware because middlewares are executed before guards, and we need AuthGuard to be runned before the cache interceptor in order to authenticate the user previously). Add app.useGlobalInterceptors(new CacheInterceptor(cacheService)); in main.ts.

  21. Install morgan: npm i morgan. Create logger middleware: nest g middleware common/middlewares/http-request-logger. Configure it in AppModule:

    export class AppModule {
      configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer) {
        process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' &&
            // do not log this call, too much flood
  22. Add Dockerfile and .dockerignore. After that, you can create de docker image and run the docker container with the following commands:

    docker build -t [IMAGE_NAME] .
    docker run --name [CONTAINER_NAME] -p 8080:8080 -t -d [IMAGE_NAME]
  23. Configure GitHub Action in .github/workflows/main.yaml. This action executes linter and tests and reads the GitHub secrets of the repository to fill the .env file with the secret called ENV_FILE and use the GITHUB_TOKEN secret to build and push a Docker image to GitHub Packages.

  24. Use zod instead of class-validator. Thanks to @juliojordan ❤️ Zod demo and NestJS documentation.


Server Chassis with NestJS + Express.js + MongoDB + Redis + Jest






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