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Analysis of the Impact of Weather and Intervention on Malaria Incidence


This project is based on FS2017 Python&R Course in UC Denver Anschutz Medical Campus.


Based on the finalproject.pdf file

'to describe the temporal and spatial variation in these data and to draw conclusions about the relationships between the variables'


For this project the data can be found in the data folder... usually shouldn't put data on GITHUB but bc this is just a HW assignment and the data is publically available... DATA folder it is.

The weather data is extracted from

Description of Data

Check the finalproject.pdf


This project should be completed by all individuals in the class. You may work in groups, but if you do, each person needs to submit their own write-up and please include the names of the individuals with whom you worked. The write-up should include a background section with a literature review and citations (at least one page), a description of the problem and data (approximately one page), results (no page expectation, but there should be 4-5 figures and at least one should be a map), conclusions, references and any supplemental material you choose to include.

Code for Analysis

/code folder contains the analysis code. Specifically the analysis used glmer() and mcmcglmm() but particular attention was paid to mcmcglmm() due to the nature of convergence issues using glmer().


/Appendix folder contains information regarding figures and tables that were not included in the final presented document located in Namely MCMC diagnostic plots and glmer() analysis tables and figures.

Interactive Document Location

The project document is a shiny-embedded document that currently is located at The document presents analysis regardin the impact of weather and interventions on malaria incidence in mozambique.


  • Chong Kim - - Final Written - [ShinyDoc](* Chong Kim - - Final Written -)


  • Dr. Kathryn Colborn
  • Dr. Debashis Ghosh



