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Backend for the Social Enterprise directory

License: AGPL v3

The directory uses Node, Swagger and Mongo on the backend. For detailed technical documentation, see the wiki.

To install

  • npm install

To install and start Mongo

(Optional) Load test data into Mongo

  • First delete any previous data from Mongo (if so desired)

mongo socialEnterpriseDirectory --eval "db.dropDatabase()"

  • Now import the test data with these commands

mongoimport --db socialEnterpriseDirectory --collection enterprises --file /path/to/api/mocks/test_data_mongo_public.json --jsonArray

mongoimport --db socialEnterpriseDirectory --collection enterprisePrivateFields --file /path/to/api/mocks/test_data_mongo_private.json --jsonArray

mongoimport --db socialEnterpriseDirectory --collection enterpriseLogos --file /path/to/api/mocks/test_data_mongo_logos.json --jsonArray

To configure

Session secret

  • Add a session secret to config/production.json
  "sessionSecret": "Any secret string here"

Oauth configuration

  • The directory uses OAuth to authenticate administrators. To configure OAuth, create a file called oauth.json and place it in directory config/oauth/. The contents should look like:
  "twitterCallbackURL": "https://<your url>/api/v1/account/login/twitter/callback",
  "facebookCallbackURL": "https://<your url>/api/v1/account/login/facebook/callback",
  "instagramCallbackURL": "https://<your url>/api/v1/account/login/instagram/callback",

  "redirectURLOnSuccessfulLogin": "your URL",

  "twitterConsumerKey" : "your key",
  "twitterConsumerSecret": "your secret",

  "facebookClientId": "your client id",
  "facebookSecret": "your secret",

  "instagramClientId": "your client id",
  "instagramSecret": "your secret "

Directory Administrators

  • A directory administrator is someone who has full privileges over the directory content as well as other administrators. If the database does not already contain a directory administrator, an administrator can be bootstrapped into the database. Create a file called config/admins.txt where each line holds one email address of a directory administrator. This will be loaded into the database on startup (only if there is not already an administrator present in the database).

To start

  • npm start

To use

Full API documentation is available here:

Sample operations:

To test

See wiki.

Swagger commands for development/testing

First install the swagger command line

Starting server

  • as alternative to npm start you can use swagger project start
  • the advantage is that it will auto-detect any file modifications and nicely restart the server for you (it wraps nodemon)

To view our API documentation in Swagger UI:

  • swagger project edit then open browser to the URL shown in the console (if it does not automatically open for you)
  • One neat thing is that you can use the "Try this operation" button to send requests to the server from this UI