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GitHub Issues Workflow

Alek Sharma edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 10 revisions

This page describes the lifecycle of an issue and what to expect from the documentation team.

What is an Issue?

An issue is something that is:

  • a bug
  • undocumented
  • incorrect
  • inconsistent
  • unclear
  • a grammatical error
  • a typo

An issue is not:

  • a CircleCI feature request
  • a support request or question

Issue Creation

  1. In any document, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the open an issue about this page link.

  2. In the title field, write a brief summary of the issue.

  3. In the description field, a link to the affected document is automatically generated. Add further details as necessary.

Issue Grooming

Within 24 hours, someone from the CircleCI Documentation team should label the issue and directly respond to you. We may ask a few questions to gain a better understanding of the issue. If we do not get a response from you within three days, we may close the issue.

Issue Resolution

If the issue is valid and clearly defined, it will be assigned to a CircleCI employee, and development will begin.

Within a week, a pull request should be submitted, reviewed, and merged. A CircleCI employee may return to the issue to confirm that the issue was resolved.

Closing an Issue

Within a week, an issue should be closed for one of three reasons:

  1. The issue was fixed.
  2. The issue was a question or feature request.
  3. The issue was not clear enough to resolve.