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This repo holds the project files for building my portfolio website. The website has been built using:

  • Hugo web framework with the Hugo Profile theme
  • Terraform for building infrastructure on Amazon Web Services. See the Infrastructure section below.
  • Github Actions for CI/CD

Hugo Profile

This theme eases building a portfolio website as most elements of the website are configured in the config.yaml file.

The deployable website i.e. the public/ directory is then generated on the fly and pushed to a public Amazon S3 bucket using GitHub Actions workflow when a pull request is merged.


The website is deployed to a public Amazon S3 bucket that is the origin of a CloudFront distribution. Everything has been built using Terraform (see the terraform/ directory).

  • Terraform - This Github repo has been integrated with Terraform Cloud to manage the state for the AWS infrastructure this website runs on. On creating a pull request, the Terraform code is checked for formatting and validated using a GitHub Actions workflow and a Terraform plan is triggered on Terraform Cloud.

Sample Terraform runs on Terraform Cloud

  • AWS - The website files are stored on an S3 bucket which serves as the origin of a CloudFront distribution. The domain's DNS is managed using Route53, where an alias A record is mapped to the CloudFront's distribution domain name.

Website's infrastructure on AWS


Anyone is welcome to improve or fix any aspect of this project!


Holds project files for the portfolio website.







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