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Releases: christinahedges/TESS-SIP

Added LightCurveFile capability

11 Aug 16:32
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@tfetherolf has opened a PR to add in functionality to run on LightCurveFiles! This capability has now been merged in with new tests.

Updated compatibility with lightkurve

11 Mar 21:50
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lightkurve had a bug described here, which has (since been fixed in version 2.0.4)[]. This update fixes TESS-SIP to be compatible with the current version of lightkurve, with thanks to @nespinoza and @tfetherolf for identifying and fixing this bug!

Added compatibility with K2

14 Dec 23:53
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Because this tool is also applicable to finding long periods in K2, it's nice if it works out of the box for K2 targets. I've added the following changes:

  • Tool can now accept Kepler/K2 target pixel files, as well as TESS
  • Optionally, the tool can also detrend the data using the SFF technique. This is particularly helpful for the motion noise in K2. Use the new sff and sff_kwargs keywords to run a SIP with SFF detrending.

Below is a demonstration for an M67 target from K2. Note, in this case there is no significant period, because there is the same period identified in the background pixels. However, the motion noise is nicely detrended.


Added FFI Capability, and added background pixel periodogram

14 Dec 23:09
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Some users (Jen van Saders and Max Guenther) pointed out a few use cases for TESS-SIP, and I've updated based on their experiences.


  • TESSCut TPFs can now be run in TESS-SIP: we can now use FFI TPFs in TESS-SIP
  • Running background periodograms: It's sometimes difficult to tell apart the true period from TESS periodicities. To help with this, I've added the ability to automatically run the periodogram on the background pixels too, i.e. the pixels outside of the aperture. This means that we have a periodogram of the background at the same time. Any period that is consistent with the background is probably spurious.
  • Added the ability to select the number of PCA components.

pip installable TESS-SIP

01 Dec 19:51
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This release changes the demo target, and ensures that the tool runs from the terminal.

pip installable TESS-SIP

30 Nov 20:55
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This release converts our demo TESS-SIP tool into a pip installable package.

First release of TESS-SIP Demo Tool

25 Nov 22:02
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First release of a demo tool for a Systematics-insensitive Periodogram for NASA's TESS data. This tool will create a periodogram of time series data, simultaneously mitigating instrument systematics. This tool can be used to find long period rotation rates TESS data, longer than the 27 day baseline.

Updated readme, and notebook to include required lightkurve version.

First release of TESS-SIP Demo Tool

25 Nov 19:53
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First release of a demo tool for a Systematics-insensitive Periodogram for NASA's TESS data. This tool will create a periodogram of time series data, simultaneously mitigating instrument systematics. This tool can be used to find long period rotation rates TESS data, longer than the 27 day baseline.