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PHP Pagener is a kind of framework that helps you deploy admin panel in no time. It is not based on any type of API or on the language in which the API is written. You just need to specify which endpoints to use and all the work will be done for you.

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PHP ADMINER, Your API, Your rules

This documentation is not up to date - The correct documentation is comming soon


"PHP ADMINER" is an admin panel generator fully made in PHP. It generate the views based on the responses sent by your api. That means, "PHP ADMINER" is not a part of you api. So create your API using any language or framework, and scaffold your CRUD view in no time.


  1. Clone the project

    git clone
  2. Move to php_adminer directory

    cd php_adminer
  3. Make a copy of .env_example.json to .env.json

    cp .env_example .env.json
  4. Edit your .env.json file to fit your needs

    vim .env.json
  5. Serve your project

    php adminer serve

Base configurations

{ "baseUrl" : "localhost:8000/api", "entrypoint" : "dashboard", "primaryColor" : "green", "secondaryColor" : "orange", "colorful" : false, "authType" : "Bearer", "mustAuth" :true, "loginEndpoint" : "/login", "loginMethod" : "POST", "tokenKey": "token", "appName" : "PHP Adminer", "lang": "en", "icon":"", "dateFormat" : "d/m/Y", "theme":"light", "debug":false }

### Serve an adminer project

The basic command `php adminer serve` will serve the project in `localhost` on port `5000`

php adminer serve
# PHP adminer development server started:

You can use --host and --port options to specify the host and port on which you want to serve your project

php adminer serve --host=the_host_ip --port=the_port_to_serve_on


php adminer serve --host=''
# PHP adminer development server started:
php adminer serve --host='' --port='8888'
# PHP adminer development server started:
php adminer serve --port='8888'
# PHP adminer development server started:


php adminer create blueprint blueprint_name


php adminer create User

Will create new class located in app/resources/User.php

When creating a new blueprint, a new line will be added to the menu definition using the class MenuScaffold in MenuScaffold.php

ResourceScaffold::define('Users', 'user', 'angle right');

Complete the blueprint class

Once the blueprint created, complete the $endpoints class attribute where it must be specified the endpoints for listing, showing single element, deleting, creating/saving and updating. To specified that PHP ADMINER must add the concerned id, just make it know by adding {id} at the place.

As the baseUrl is set in the env file, PHP ADMINER will append each endpoint to it.

protected endpoints = [

Let's assume the baseUrl is defined as follow in .env.json

    // ...
    // ...

For listing, PHP Adminer will call

Column Scaffolding

protected $column_scaffold =  [
    'column_name' => [
        'type' => '', # object | array | text | password | date | datetime
        'tooltip' => '', # tooltip
        'replacements' => [], # replacement of values
        'name' => '', # name to show up on table or labels
        'variable' => '', # form variable name
        'endpoint' => '', # fetch url for checkboxes or dropdowns
        'method' => '', # fetch method for checkboxes or dropdowns
        'relation' => '', # relationship binder for checkboxes or dropdowns
        'editable' => '', # is editable or not
        'values' => [], # values if not from url
        'visible' => '', # is visible in table or not
        'createable' => '',
        'labeled' => '', # when true, will put the cell value in a labeled tag
        'image' => '', # specify that image type [rounded, circular, avatar]
        'required' => '', # specify if the field is required when creating or updating 
        'disabled' => '',	# specify if the field is disabled 
        'option_image' => '', # add an image in the dropdown (when object) 
        'callback' => '', # a closure to call on each value (method must exists)

Not all of these specification you will need. Just use what you need


  • Basic resource
php adminer create resource resource_name
  • Visible resource (will be added at the left side menu)
php adminer create resource resource_name --visible

namespace App\Resources;

use Abstracts\Resource;
use Services\Presenter;

class Profile extends Resource {

    public function handle(array $data = [])
        // code


Resources and Blueprints must extend Abstracts\Resource interface and overwrite the handle method.

For any action, write the rules in the handle method. Use the $request static attribute of Request class to handle actions on request based.

The Resource class

Resources are single page loaded dynamically blueprinting an API resource or managing a simple custom handled resource.

You do not need to load the page manually or specify which resource class to load. PHP ADMINER uses class reflection to determine which class to load, and pass the request data to the resource, which are accessible in the handle method of the concerned loaded class. In the case PHP ADMINER can't find the class, a 404 error will show up.

To load resources, PHP ADMINER will look up in the app/resources folder and will base on the first passed parameter. The second parameter (Array) can be used to pass data to the concerned data.

Resource::load('user'); // will look for App\Resource\User class


Presenter class loads PHP file content in the current page. The file,to load must be in the presenters folder. Use commas to specified that the file to load is in a folder.


Let's assume we want to load the login page that is located directly in the presenters folder


Now let's say we want present the file bile.php located in the sales folder in presenters


It can arrive that we want to pass some information to the page we are loading. To do that, just add a second parameter to the present static method of Presenter class. The second parameter must be an array;

Presenter::present('profile', [

To access these data, use the $data in the targeted file.


Router handle the incoming request through its load static method. It look for php_admin_resource request parameter and pass it to load static method of Resource class. It the supposed parameter is not set, then an error 400 will show up. You will likely never need to use the load static method.

You can use the redirect static method to redirect from one resource to another by passing the resource name.


Public Routes

By default, all routes will be private when mustAuth is true. That means, user must be authenticated before accessing the main screen otherwise the login page will be shown up. Sometime you will need to access certain pages without being authenticated. To do so, edit the routes attribute of PublicResource class. Add all the routes you want to make public

private static $routes = [
    '/password_reset', '/logout',


The Request class create intercept the incoming request and make an object of it. Which object is accessible by any part of the project through the it request attribute.

Request::$request; // Object


Auth class is used to authenticate the use user who want to log in. Auth attempt authentication by sending email and password to the login endpoint specified on the basic configuration in.env.json file.

If you authenticate user using different type of variable name, not email or password, your are free to change it.

Once the API respond with data, Auth will look for token key in the response through a deep_walk function (lib/deep_walk); If you are not using token as key of authentication, you are again free to change it directly in Auth class.


PHP ADMINER uses the Authenticateable class to determiner if it might authenticate the user or not before pursuing. Of course, you do not need to change anything, else in .env.json file by setting the mustAuth true or false.


$api = new API();
$api->get($url, Array $data = []);
$api->post($url, Array $data = []);
$api->put($url, Array $data = []);
$api->delete($url, Array $data = []);
$api->callWith($url, $method ,Array $data = []);

$api->response(); // return the response of curl
$api->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');


Adminer provide a multi language support dictionary based. By default, adminer will put errors text, buttons text, ... in English. To change this, change the lang value in .env.json to what you want.

You can change or add new translation using the .translations.json file. It is structured as follow

    "word" {
    	"lang1" : "value for lang1",
    	"lang2" : "value for lang2"


"create": {
   "fr": "Nouveau",
   "en": "Create"
"delete": {
   "fr": "Supprimer",
   "en": "Remove"
"show": {
   "fr": "Afficher",
   "en": "Show"
"edit": {
   "fr": "Modifier",
   "en": "Edit"

To get a translation use translate static method of Translation class


If the definition on the set language doesn't exist in the .translations.json file, the values passed to translate method will return without any change.

PHP adminer comes with some words in .translations.json file in English and French. You can change them by adding others languages or updating the values of already existing languages. To keep adminer working properly, it is not recommended to changes these words.


PHP Pagener is a kind of framework that helps you deploy admin panel in no time. It is not based on any type of API or on the language in which the API is written. You just need to specify which endpoints to use and all the work will be done for you.







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