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Chris Blyth edited this page Nov 26, 2013 · 18 revisions

Tweet Lanes posts public betas. Please download and test them and provide feedback. It's also a great way to get the newest features (possibly with a few bugs).

Betas are now a separate application. You can install them and test updates without breaking the store version. You'll have to setup your accounts again in the beta (the first time you install it).


We use the GitHub releases feature to show both stable and beta releases. Stable releases are only avaliable through the store, but betas can be downloaded here

Release Notes

Release notes are located in the app and can be found here Each branch can therefore have it's own release notes and they are viewable within the app. We also try and publish these on the release page when a version is cut ready for beta or store.

Checklist before releasing to Play Store

Before betas are considered stable and released to the Play Store testers should work through this checklist to verify stability and all features work as expected. Performance is still a factor and betas should be run for a few days and the checklist ran through again.

Account Basics

  • Can you sign in with both a Twitter and ADN account?
  • Do lanes populate correctly?
  • Can you switch between accounts?

Display settings

  • Can you switch themes and are they rendered correctly?
  • Can you change the font size?
  • Can you enable and disable showing the post source?


  • Can you enable notifications?
  • Do you receive notifications within 15 minutes?
  • Can you change the ringtone?

Other settings

  • Can VolScroll be disabled and re-enabled?


  • Can you post a text status to Twitter and ADN?
  • Can you post an image from the Gallery to Twitter and ADN?
  • Can you post an image using the camera to Twitter and ADN?


  • Can you select one and multiple posts?
  • Can you favorite a post?
  • Can you repost (retweet) a post?
  • Can you reply to a post?
  • Can you view the discussion?
  • Can you view the Reposted/ReTweeted?


  • Does it work on an OS 4.0.x device
  • Does it work on an OS 4.2.x device
  • Does it work on a 7" tablet
  • Does it work on a 10" tablet