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A model that recommends University based on details of an applicant.

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MS in US - University Recommender

  • Created a deep learning model that recommends a University a student should apply to based on the academic details entered. A web application was made to take in the details of the student and get a recommendation from the model by passing the details as input.
  • The model is a multi-class classifier that provies the class (which is the University) based on the details of the applicant.
  • The data was cleaned of missing values and more preprocessing was done to obtain the cleaned dataset.
  • Exploratory data analysis on the cleaned data to get insights about the data and its distribution.
  • A deep neural network was built using Keras for multi-class classifiaction.
  • Built a client facing web application using Django.
  • Python Version: 3.6.10
  • Libraries Used: Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, sklearn, imblearn, Tensorflow, Keras, Joblib, Django, crispy-forms.
  • References:

Cleaning the Data

(File: data_cleaning.ipynb)
  • The dataset admission_data.csv consists of data from 54 different US Universities about the academic details of the applicants.
  • Dropped the redundant columns (userName, userProfileLink, program, toeflEssay, topperCgpa, termAndYear) and columns that had NaN in majority (gmatA, gmatQ, gmatV).
  • Removed entries that had earlier format GRE and TOEFL scores to ensure consistency with current pattern.
  • Since we have to make a classification model, we need only those entries that got an admit. So kept all entries with admit=1.
  • Some of the Universities had very few admits, so kept only universities that had around 100 admits.
  • CGPA was on different scales (10-scale, 100-scale, 4-scale, 5-scale). All cgpa entries were converted to 4-scale for uniformity.
  • Feature Importance method was used to calculated importance of each feature. greV, greQ, greA, toeflScore, cgpa_4, researchExp, industryExp, internExp & ugCollege were the most important features.

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  • The cleaned data set consists 36 different universities (i.e. classes). (File: 'admission_data_cleaned.csv')

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

(File: data_analysis_EDA.ipynb)
  • The ugCollege had 980 categories which will add alot of dimensions to the data after one-hot encoding. Also, a single college is written in different ways which causes inconsistency, eg: BIT, Mesra and Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra. So the ugCollege column is removed.
  • Generated a word cloud to display the different UG Colleges and their frequency in the dataset. (File:

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  • Number of admits per university was plotted to see the distribution of data in different classes. This distribution suggests that the dataset is imbalanced.

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  • Plots for average of each parameter vs University were made to see the variation of parameters between different Universities(classes).
  • Histograms and boxplots were made for the parameters to see the distribution of thier values and to check for outliers. The plots suggest data needs to be scaled.

Data Preprocessing

  • To remove the imbalance in the dataset and prevent overfitting in the model, SMOTE - Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique from imblearn library is used for over sampling with sampling_stratergy set to 'not majority'. It generates new instances for all the classes except the majority class to balance the dataset.
  • The university names we encoded with unique labels by LabelEncoder of sklearn library to be fed to SMOTE.
  • RobustScaler of sklearn library was used to scale the data in order to reduce the effect of variation in parameter values, as there is alot of variation in case of researchExp, industryExp & internExp.
  • The data was split into train and test set, with 20% of data as test set.

Building the Multi-class Classification Model

  • A deep neural network with an input layer (400 neurons), 2 hidden layers (800 & 100 neurons respectively) and an output layer with 36 neurons (for 36 classes) is built using the Keras (Tensorflow backend) library.
  • The input and hidden layers have ReLU activation function, and for multiclass classification task the output layer has a Softmax acivation function.
  • The model is trained with Adam optimizer and categorical crossentropy loss. It achieves a good accuracy of 78.64%.
  • To visualize the correctness of classification Confusion Matrix is plotted.

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  • Model was pickled using the Joblib library.

Django Web Application with classification model in backend

(Folder: recommender_website)
  • Created Django form with the details to be entered (greV, greQ, greA, toeflScore, cgpa_4, researchExp, industryExp, internExp) as form fields. (File: recommender_website/app/
  • Created views for index page and prediction page. The predict_uni view makes a dictionary of the data entered in the form by user and inputs the values of the dictionary to the pickled classifier model. (File: recommender_website/app/
  • The model outputs the label index of the recommended University. The name of the university is fetched from a dictionary with label index as key and university name as values (File: university_dict.ipynb).
  • A HTML page is rendered with the form and the recommended University. (File: recommender_website/templates/index.html)
  • Recommended University at :

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