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Chiliseed Hub

Chiliseed Hub is a service that manages pre-defined, production ready architectures for deploying containerized applications to AWS. Each piece of infrastructure is managed by a corresponding executor. Ultimately, the Hub combines all the pieces to provide a cohesive architecture, according to best practices.

Be sure to check out our demo to see just how simple it is to get started.


  1. We've deployed many projects and defined the same infrastructure time and time again.
  2. There are many ready terraform configurations out there, open sourced for everyone to use, but they still require knowledge of what exactly is needed and how to configure it.
  3. Sometimes terraform is not enough.

This project aims to provide ready-made architecture, incorporating best practices, so that we won't need to reinvent the wheel every time.

Supported Architecture

Network architecture


ECS based architecture


System Requirements

  1. Latest docker engine
  2. Latest docker compose

How to Run Locally

  1. Download docker-compose.public.yml to your machine
  2. Check secret key by running in terminal: base64 /dev/urandom | head -c50
  3. Export to environment export SECRET_KEY=<value from step 2>
  4. Run docker-compose up -d from a directory containing the docker compose you downloaded
  5. Install chiliseed cli:

    On Mac:
    brew install chiliseed/homebrew-tools/chiliseed
    On Linux:
    curl -O
    tar -xvzf chiliseed-0.1.2.x86_64-linux.tar.gz
    mv chiliseed /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE You might need to install openssl-sys (Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install pkg-config libssl-dev)


The following terms will be repeated everywhere so be sure to familiarize yourself with them:

Name Description Related infra parts
Environment The most basic encapsulating unit, describes and manages global components that will relate to all your deployed apps. e.g. staging/production/dev. VPC, subnets, NAT gateway, Route 53 hosted zone
Project Umbrella for deployed components. Your code-base that might be comprised of one or more services. ALB, key pair, ECS cluster, ASG for EC2
Service The actual unit of work, api service, background worker. Your code that needs to do some business logic. ECS service, ECR, alb listeners/target groups, ACM, service discovery
Resource These are your databases/caches/s3 buckets. RDS, ElasiCache, S3

How to Get Started

Once you have Chiliseed Hub running, you will need a set of AWS credentials and at least one user in the Hub.

AWS Credentials

To get AWS credentials, you will first have to sign up here for an AWS account.

Once you have an account, go ahead and create a new user for Chiliseed, assign it to the Admins group and select programmatic access. This is required in order to allow the Hub to modify the infrastructure on your behalf. Remember the keys, as you will need to provide them to the system.

Each environment can have different set of AWS keys. This allows the Hub to maintain staging in account A and production in account B.

Hub User

Chiliseed Hub has a built-in command to create new users:

docker-compose exec api python create_user <email> <password> <organization-name>

You can also assign the user admin privileges by providing the --is-superuser=True flag.

Whoever will be operating the Hub should have admin privileges.

Chiliseed CLI

With a set of AWS and Chiliseed credentials at hand, you can now start creating and deploying to the cloud.

  1. To simplify your work with Chiliseed, export your Chiliseed user credentials to your env:

    export CHILISEED_USERNAME=<email>
    export CHILISEED_PASSWORD=<password>
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws access key id>
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws access secret>

    NOTE if you don't provide specific AWS credentials, chiliseed will attempt to pull them from default configuration locations.

  2. Create an environment:

    chiliseed environment create staging
  3. Create a project:

    chiliseed project create <project name, e.g. hub>
  4. Create a service:

    chiliseed service create
  5. Create environment variables for your service:

    chiliseed env_vars create <key> <value>
  6. Create postgres RDS:

    chiliseed db create
  7. Connect service to the RDS:

    chiliseed db list

    Copy the identifier of the db you want to connect to the service.

    chiliseed service add-db <db-identifier>
  8. Create an S3 bucket for your service:

    chiliseed service add-statics
  9. Deploy your service (run this from inside the root directory of the service code base):

    chiliseed service deploy

Local Development

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine, cd into the directory containing the code.
  2. cp .env.template .env
  3. Edit the values in .env
  4. Download and install the ddc-shob tool: (readme has instructions for installation)
  5. To build and start the project run: ddc-shob start
  6. Create a user for yourself: `ddc-shob manage-py create_user 'Aa123ewq!' Demoer --is-superuser=True`


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2 - see for more details.