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Pistachio Travis

The graze front end framework and style guide.

Versioned Releases

Pistachio is available on the CloudFront CDN, with CORS support enabled.

View Versioned Releases.


Development Release

A development release is available, uncached, and redeployed on every push to the master branch. Not recommended for use in live websites, use the latest versioned release instead.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

Modular CSS

For versioned releases of modules modify the url like so:<version>/css/<module>.css

Core CSS only

Optional Modules


Development Release

A development release is available, uncached, and redeployed on every push to the master branch. Not recommended for use in live websites, use the latest versioned release instead.

<script src=""></script>


Requires Jquery which can be loaded via CDN or locally.

<script src=""></script>


Getting Started

~$ git clone
~$ npm install -g gulp
~$ cd pistachio

Local Style Guide

To view the style guide locally:

~$ npm install
~$ npm start

Docs should now be visible on http://localhost:4000/.

Make sure to regularly run npm update to keep your dependencies up to date.

The style guide is a simple express app. More information about the express app can be found in the site README.

LESS Compilation

To watch LESS for changes and recompile the CSS:

~$ gulp dev

JavaScript Compilation

To compile the JavaScript:

~$ gulp build:js


The projects documentation and style guide is deployed to Heroku on every push to the master branch and is visible at

Follow these simple steps to deploy a new version:

  1. Update version within package.json
  2. Commit the changes to a new branch (with a good commit message)
  3. Push the new branch (git push)
  4. Open a pull request and get it merged
  5. Tag the change (git tag v0.0.x )
  6. Push the tag (git push --tags)
  7. Travis CI will publish the new version to CloudFront
  8. Update the release notes on GitHub