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This simulator is part of the FYP project of Chan Jun Da.

To run the simulator, you will need
- Gradle version 7.0 or later
- Java 11 or later

For first time opening zip file, you'll probably need to run the command
$ gradle wrapper

After which you can run the simulator with the command
$ .\gradlew run --args="run_config.json" (Windows)
$ ./gradlew run --args="run_config.json" (Linux or Mac OS)

To vary the run settings, you can adjust it in the 'run_config.json' file.
A sample config file is attached to the repostiory and looks like this.

  "numRuns": 1,
  "startingSeed": 0,
  "seedMultiplier": 100,
  "validatorSettings": {
    "numNodes": 40,
    "numConsensus": 5,
    "numPrograms": 1,
    "baseTimeLimit": 100,
    "nodeProcessingDistribution": {
      "distributionType": "exp",
      "parameters": [3]
    "consensusProtocol": "HS",
    "faultSettings": {
      "numFaults": 4,
      "faultType": "UR",
      "faultParameters": []
  "networkSettings": {
    "switchSettings": {
      "switchProcessingDistribution": {
        "distributionType": "exp",
        "parameters": [9]
      "messageChannelSuccessRate": 1
    "networkType": "df",
    "networkParameters": [4]

**Run Config Formatting**

Standard run configuration settings.
numRuns: Number of runs to be done. The measured statistics are the average of all the runs.
startingSeed: Starting RNG seed.
seedMultiplier: Increases the seed by this amount after each run.

Validator Settings (validatorSettings):
numNodes: Number of validators
numConsensus: Number of consensus instances to be simulated. Program terminates at the end of it.
numPrograms: Number of separate consensus protocols to be run in parallel. Usually set at 1.
baseTimeLimit: Base timer duration set before protocol times out.
nodeProcessingDistribution: Distribution of node processing time for a single message. Argument type is a processing distribution (see below).
consensusProtocol: Either "HS" for HotStuff or "IBFT" for IBFT protocol.
faultSettings: Settings for the validator faults.
- numFaults: Number of faults. Setting this to be greater than (numNodes - 1) / 3 would result in consensus being unachievable.
- faultType: Type of fault. Only "UR" for unresponsive is available.
- faultParameters: Field is currently not used, default to empty list [].

Network Settings (networkSettings):
- switchProcessingDistribution: Distribution of switch processing time for a single message. Argument type is a processing distribution (see below).
- messageChannelSuccessRate: Probability a message travels a channel successfully.
networkType: Type of network.
networkParameters: Dependent on the network. See below for possible options.

Processing Distribution:
distributionType: Distribution type. Only "exp" for exponential and "degen" for degenerate distributions are supported.
- "exp": Accepts one parameter which is its rate. e.g. [3] implies a rate of 3.
- "degen": Accepts one parameter which is its mean. This random variable will only output 1 value.

Network types:
- "mesh": Takes in one parameter which gives one side length of the mesh network. Only 2D mesh is implemented. E.g. For 64 validators, [8] gives an 8x8 mesh network.
- "torus": Argument is identical to "mesh". Only 2D torus is implemented.
- "clique": No arguments required.
- "butterfly": Takes in 2 parameters, [p, q]. p is the size of the first level and q is the size of a group in the first level. q must divide p.
- "foldedClos": Arguments are identical to butterfly network.
- "dragonfly": Takes in 1 parameter [a] where a is the number of switches in a group. Number of groups is defaulted to a+1.

**Output Formatting**
The output files are split into the main validator_results.json and several switch group json files.
Each switch group json file contains the queuing statistics of switch groups which are predefined structures in the specified topology. For example, a switch group in dragonfly would be each group.
For folded Clos, it would be each level.

The validator_results.json file itself contains many recorded values for calculating various validator statistics.
The main value of interests are the t_total, L, W and lambda values.
- t_total = average time to consensus
- L = average number of messages in the queue
- W = average waiting time of a message in the queue
- lambda = average message arrival rate
The suffix fastest refers to the average of the fastest n-f validators and remainder refers to the remaining f validators.


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