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Some refactors on BoundaryScrollViewBoundary component #7334

Some refactors on BoundaryScrollViewBoundary component

Some refactors on BoundaryScrollViewBoundary component #7334

Triggered via push May 8, 2024 09:04
Status Success
Total duration 4m 8s


on: push
Fit to window
Zoom out
Zoom in


11 warnings
Lint code base
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3. For more information see:
Lint code base: packages/router/src/message.ts#L49
'_env' is defined but never used
Lint code base: packages/router/src/message.ts#L50
'_sender' is defined but never used
Lint code base: packages/router/src/router/index.ts#L59
Forbidden non-null assertion
Lint code base: packages/wc-qrcode-modal/src/index.tsx#L40
Unexpected empty arrow function
Lint code base: packages/common/src/kv-store/extension.ts#L42
Forbidden non-null assertion
Lint code base: packages/wc-client/src/index.ts#L219
'_opts' is defined but never used
Lint code base: packages/wc-client/src/index.ts#L226
'_chainIds' is defined but never used
Lint code base: packages/wc-client/src/index.ts#L297
'_chainId' is defined but never used
Lint code base: packages/wc-client/src/index.ts#L298
'_ciphertext' is defined but never used
Lint code base: packages/wc-client/src/index.ts#L299
'_nonce' is defined but never used