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How to add "static" pages which are ignored by bashblog

Carlos Fenollosa edited this page Oct 24, 2016 · 1 revision

As you might have noticed, bashblog behaves as if all .html files on its folder MUST be blogposts and managed by it.

Only a few are treated specially, and these are either hardcoded or defined in the config section: index.html, all_posts.html, feed.rss and such.

Since Bashblog 2.8, there is a way where you can create html pages in the same folder as bashblog, and it will ignore them (i.e. not try to add them to the home page, parse content, etc).

Edit your .config file and add a new variable non_blogpost_files which contains an array of file names to ignore. For example:

non_blogpost_files=("news.html" "static.html")

On rebuild, bashblog will ignore these.