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Releases: cdgriffith/FastFlix

Version 5.7.0b1

29 May 14:03
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Version 5.7.0b1 Pre-release
  • Adding new audio encoding panel
  • Adding support for audio quality targeting instead of bitrate
  • Fixing that audio and subtitles would be reset on change of encoder
  • Fixing #543 systems with more than one opencl device would break thumbnails and some encodings (thanks to swadomlic)
  • Fixing #505 (maybe) trying new methods to clean file paths for subtitles (thanks to Maddie Davis)

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.7.0b1_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.

Run from source

You will need Python 3.12 and git


git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.12 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate       # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows   
pip install .



venv/bin/python -m fastflix


venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix

Version 5.6.0

05 Nov 21:44
Choose a tag to compare
  • Adding Passes option for bitrate mode in x265 and x264 (thanks to Chriss)
  • Fixing VVC encode options (thanks to Chriss)
  • Fixing #532 Trying to crop spams crop error (thanks to gendalv)
  • Removing distutils in favor of packaging
  • Removing #525 invalid 12 bit options for x264 (thanks to Chriss)
  • Removing #497 #519 advanced checks for hardware encoders, due to them not always being detected (thanks to CptnFluffy)

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.6.0_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.

Run from source

You will need Python 3.11 and git


git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.11 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate       # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows   
pip install .



venv/bin/python -m fastflix


venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

Version 5.5.7

26 Aug 18:11
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixing #503 missing CRF mode for SVT-AV1 (thanks to ignace72)
  • Fixing #506 excessive amounts of RAM used and not cleared - partially mitigated (thanks to 19Battlestar65)
  • Fixing #509 Portuguese translations (thanks to Felipe Augusto Arantes de Souza)
  • Fixing #513 Profile configuration issues, including with load directory (thanks to Nikita S.)
  • Fixing #516 Performance improvements due to constant stream reads (thanks to William Barath)

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.5.7_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.

Run from source

You will need Python 3.11 and git


git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.11 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate       # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows   
pip install .



venv/bin/python -m fastflix


venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

Version 5.5.6

15 Jun 03:26
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixing #485 Cannot Restore Queue Containing HDR10+ Entries (thanks to Maddie Davis)
  • Fixing #487 Filename corrupted on path change (thanks to Maddie Davis)
  • Fixing #491 Can't open Setting in Chinese upgraded from old version (thanks to 谈天才)
  • Fixing #493 Profiles did not load config for remove hdr, remove metadata or copy chapter toggles (thanks to micron888)
  • Fixing #494 frame rate change in 2 pass mode ("Bitrate" mode) results in error for AVC x264 encoder (thanks to Ivan Gorin)

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.5.6_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.

Run from source

You will need Python 3.11 and git


git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.11 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate       # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows   
pip install .



venv/bin/python -m fastflix


venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

Version 5.5.5

08 May 14:11
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed #479 some zho and jpn translations, fixed some typos (thanks to Jing Luo)
  • Fixing incorrect PNG profiles for mac toolbox icons

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.5.5_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.

Run from source

You will need Python 3.11 and git


git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.11 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate       # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows   
pip install .



venv/bin/python -m fastflix


venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

Version 5.5.4

04 May 00:16
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixing #474 SVT-AV1 single pass would not be set on return from queue (thanks to veldspar)
  • Fixing #475 Autocrop can break with index error (thanks to No Name / phanluchoaofficial1152)
  • Fixing #477 HDR10+ not extracting with NVEncC encoder, switching to built in copy ability (thanks to Genine-Collin)

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.5.4_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.

Run from source

You will need Python 3.11 and git


git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.11 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate       # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows   
pip install .



venv/bin/python -m fastflix


venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

Version 5.5.3

26 Apr 20:57
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixing missing language options (thanks to RoDanny2021)

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.5.3_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.

Run from source

You will need Python 3.11 and git


git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.11 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate       # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows   
pip install .



venv/bin/python -m fastflix


venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

Version 5.5.2

26 Apr 18:33
Choose a tag to compare
  • Adding #469 Romanian translations (thanks to RoDanny2021)
  • Fixing #468 Custom resolutions not applying (thanks to GT500org)

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.5.2_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.

Run from source

You will need Python 3.11 and git


git clone
cd FastFlix
python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.11 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate       # venv\Scripts\activate.bat or venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 on windows   
pip install .



venv/bin/python -m fastflix


venv\Scripts\python.exe -m fastflix


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

Version 5.5.1

25 Apr 15:31
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixing #465 Russian translation (thanks to Ta0ba0)
  • Fixing #466 AudioProfile could be deleted before fully created, causing runtime error (thanks to Jean-François Roy)
  • Fixing to only allow one new profile window at a time

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.5.1_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️

Version 5.5.0

23 Apr 20:20
Choose a tag to compare
  • Adding decoder option for NVEncC and QSVEncC
  • Adding option to disable messages on encoding completion or error
  • Adding output depth to VCEEncC
  • Adding #266 multiple disposition types for subtitles (thanks to lobofoots)
  • Adding #326 support for hwaccel decoding with ffmpeg nvenc (thanks to Jim Leonard)
  • Adding #329 Hardware VAAPI encoding support for HEVC, H264, VP9 and MPEG2
  • Adding #351 option to disable automatic tab switching (thanks to Wontell)
  • Adding #357 QSVencC adapt-ref, adapt-ltr, and adapt-qm parameters (thanks to F.O.R.A.R.T.)
  • Adding #368 VCEEncC Pre-Analysis options of sc, ss, activity type, caq, sc qp,lookahead, ltr, paq, taq and motion quality (thanks to Wontell)
  • Adding #379 #410 dispositions for audio tracks (thanks to markmarz and Don Gafford)
  • Fixing videotoolbox setting panels not having custom_q
  • Fixing end of run command ran after message box was closed instead of before (thanks to sn6op)
  • Fixing changing video or track title did not update the command

Windows 10 / 11

Please use the installer below FastFlix_5.5.0_installer.exe

The win64 standalone is now a full portable mode which uses the local directory for configuration and workspace.

Mac / Linux

Mac: macOS 11 or greater required
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater required

Please extract the FastFlix file and set it to executable (i.e. chmod +x FastFlix) then to run it ./FastFlix

Linux: Make sure you have libopengl0 installed from your package manager. If you have other issues please consult the wiki first.


If you're enjoying FastFlix please consider a one time contribution to the efforts! ❤️