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C Synth

a cool synthesizer written in C.

Brief description

This is a command line program that receives a midi file and gives you back the wave file with the synthesis on it. It will necessarily need a midi file (example.mid), a patch file (a preset to get different kinds of sound: example.txt) and the desired wave file name to get as output. You can create your patch files by changing the parameters on the original patch files, it's pretty straight forward.


In order to compile and run the program, you will need a linux machine with make and gcc installed.


Open a terminal in the directory and type make. This will create an executable called "synth".


Once the program is installed, go to the directory where you have the executable (called "synth") and call it:

  • $ ./synth -s </patches/patch.txt> -i <midiscore.mid> -o <out.wav> [OPTIONAL] [-c <channel>] [-f <sample_rate>] [-r <pulses_per_second>]


  • ./synth -s ./patches/uno.txt -i ./midi/libertango.mid -o libertango_uno.wav


  • patch: [-s] preset - It will synthesize with different envelopes and harmonics depending on what patch you choose.
  • midi score: [-i] Midi file with the score you want the synth to play.
  • out: [-o] The name you want for the wave file.
  • optional arguments
  • [channel: [-c] One stream of MIDI data has a total of 16 independent channels for messages and events. Here you select which one you want to synthesize.]
  • [sample rate: [-f] The number of samples of audio carried per second. (leave it as it is)]
  • [pulses per second: [-r] How fast the midi is processed.]