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Releases: carls-app/carls

Version 1.0.0

06 May 23:47
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See 1.0.0-rc.1 release notes

v1.0.0 RC 1

06 May 04:43
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v1.0.0 RC 1 Pre-release

Our first release candidate!

If no one finds any big bugs in this, I'm going to ship v1.0 tonight! (Or start the shipping process, at least; Apple usually takes ~3 days to review a new app.)

# Changes
- Moves the "upcoming" convo poster to above the description
- Fixes an issue where links in certain views didn't work (namely Important Contacts)
- Fixes an issue where student job posting detail views didn't have a title
- Groups student job postings by available for term/break
- Fixes "The Hub" module's title to match the button title
- [map] Fixes searching so you can search for words not at the start of the name
- [map] Shows a building's nickname, if it has one
- [map] Shows building coordinates on the detail screen
- [map] Fixes issue where changing the category on the list, then opening the detail, then closing would reset the category
- [map] Allow reporting building issues in the map

v1.0.0 β18

03 May 04:41
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v1.0.0 β18 Pre-release

Please let me know of any weirdness in this beta! I think we can call this one a "release candidate", even!

Big Changes

  • Fixed the calendars!


  • "Copy Address" button in the map
  • Fix map building info scrolling
  • Removed thumbnails from Carleton Now and Carletonian news sources
  • Renamed the "OneCard" module to "The Hub"

v1.0.0 β17

29 Apr 05:44
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v1.0.0 β17 Pre-release


  • Fixes up the Archived Convo detail view – it looks pretty nice now
  • Removes the "Next Up" convo tab, since it's a duplicate of the Upcoming tab
    • Originally, it was supposed to show you the information for the next convo, but I'm punting that feature to a future release
  • Completely redoes the Upcoming Convo detail view – which looks really nice now
    • Title, date, location, description, and even the posters.
    • And you can put it on your phone's calendar, too, fwiw
  • Now you can suggest edits to dictionary terms, if that's your thing
  • So the login. It's hidden now. Text me if you want to know how to get it back :-)
    • If I ever get around to talking to ITS, I'll make it public. Until then, it's going to be hidden so they don't yell at me and make my life more difficult 🙃

Remaining things:

  • calendar?
  • the fact that you can't scroll the map stuff all the way to the bottom

v1.0.0 β16

23 Apr 02:53
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v1.0.0 β16 Pre-release

Okay, so spring term's start has come and gone – but it's still spring, and it's actually spring out now!


The big thing is, I changed how OneCard login works, and I don't know how long it'll last before you have to log in again. It may only last an hour; it may last a week.

I need y'all who have Carleton accounts to log in once and then let me know how long it is before you have to log in again. (Or if the balances quit updating, because the "are you logged in" check may be broken too.)


  • Fixed weird scrolling things in the NNB tab
  • Removed the duplicate SUMO listing
  • Reworked OneCard login – I think I can actually keep it if I do it this way!

I've still got a few more things to fix before release, but I'm really hoping to get it out this week 😫

(maps and calendar and convos are all that's left)

v1.0.0 β15

05 Mar 13:25
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v1.0.0 β15 Pre-release

As always, thanks for testing!

I'm aiming to ship v1.0 right around when spring term starts… deadline time! 😬

New stuff:

  • added initial convos view - pretty broken right now
    • the embedded videos in the archive are giant
    • both Up Next and Upcoming show the same content
  • added Noon News Bulletin to News module - should work properly
  • added Carleton-focused dictionary - should work
  • enabled the Facilities work form - should work
  • added Hub tab to OneCard view - should work
  • rearranged the Transportation tabs - should be fine
  • split Streaming Media into KRLX and SUMO views
    • krlx should be fine
    • both of sumo's tabs are currently the same view; I haven't finished the fancy movie preview screen yet
  • added a fancy (and still in-progress) campus map
    • it's known to be somewhat buggy

As well as:

  • bug fixes, probably
  • probably added some new, never-before-seen bugs too

v1.0.0 β14

22 Jan 22:51
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v1.0.0 β14 Pre-release

I had to push the tag again so CircleCI could build it. I accidentally pushed ~40 tags along with β13, so GitHub didn't push it to circle.

v1.0.0 β13

22 Jan 21:54
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v1.0.0 β13 Pre-release

Adds in-app KRLX playing!

Also removes the "SUMO: " prefix from the SUMO tab.

v1.0.0 β12

22 Jan 22:55
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v1.0.0 β12 Pre-release

Includes everything from

iPhone X support! Wifi problem reporting! Favoriting buildings! An alternate icon option! Hiding home screen icons! All that, and more, in version 2-5-0!

👏👏👏 We'd like to congratulate Hannes Carlsen on his first contribution to All About Olaf! 👏👏👏


This is big. IT reached out to us and asked if we could add a way for people to report WiFi problems that they were having.

So we did! This is the first time we've used your location in the app – we record your current location when you push the button and what device you're using, then we send it to a server that IT maintains. They're planning to look closely at where people are having issues, and this should give them much more clarity in that work.


  • iPhone X support!
  • A calendar of the upcoming KSTO shows, powered by KSTO themselves!
  • A button to "call in" to KSTO! (You'll need a phone to make the call.)
  • The ability to "favorite" buildings! (As requested by a student, and built by Hannes!)
  • A new icon choice! Check out the Settings page to switch icons!
  • Toggle switches to hide any number of icons from the home screen!
  • A button to report a wifi problem!


  • Dependency updates, ofc
  • Made the Bus view go faster
  • Made the Menu views more resilient, with a "try again" button if they fail
  • Made improvements to the KSTO player, added a button on Android to open the stream
  • Added placeholder images to the News story lists
  • Made the News stories open in a web browser
  • Cleaned up the SIS login block in Settings
  • Optimized the Building Hours images
  • Added a prompt for when you've uninstalled and the app can't send email, but you've asked it to
  • Restyled all the text-heavy views in the app, like Privacy and Credits
  • Redesigned the home screen colors for the first time ever


  • Removed the custom stylesheet on the News articles – now we just open the website directly

v1.0.0 β11

28 Nov 02:50
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v1.0.0 β11 Pre-release
