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CrossFi Validator Ansible Role

CrossFi Logo

This role provides an easy way to install a CrossFi validator node (supervised using cosmovisor) onto a Linux machine.


Variable Description Default
crossfi_moniker The moniker (name) for the validator Hostname from inventory
crossfi_initial_version The version of crossfid that will be used when cosmovisor first starts. Accepts any version number from a Github release. 0.2.0-prebuild6
crossfi_user Username for the user running crossfid crossfi
crossfi_home Home directory where CrossFi configuration and data is stored /var/lib/crossfi
crossfi_cosmovisor_version The version of cosmovisor to use. Accepts any version number from a Github release. v1.5.0
crossfi_cosmovisor_allow_download_binaries Whether cosmovisor will automatically download new binaries true
crossfi_cosmovisor_restart_after_update Whether cosmovisor should restart crossfid after downloading an update. While this is true by default to facilitate the initial sync, you should consider setting it to false once your validator is fully operational. true
crossfi_prometheus_retention_time Setting this to a value greater than 0 enables the prometheus exporter. 120
crossfi_firewall_rules_enable This can be set to ufw or firewalld to automatically allow traffic the peer-to-peer port on the machine (disabled)


Create a requirements.yml file declaring a dependency on this role:

- name: crossfi
  version: main

Install the role using ansible-galaxy:

ansible-galaxy role install -r requirements.yml

Create an inventory file (e.g. inventory.ini) describing the node(s) you want to deploy:



Create a site.yml file that describes how to deploy the nodes:

- hosts: nodes
    - role: crossfi

Execute the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini site.yml


This playbook currently only supports the rather slow ‘blocksync’ method. If you want to sync faster, adjust crossfi_initial_version to a higher version number and use one of the methods described in the sync options documentation.

Tested With

  • Ansible 2.16.5
  • Ubuntu 22.04


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