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This project contains a Javacard applet for storing secrets and a Java application that can communicate with the applet over secure channel.


Building and running this project requires Java 1.8, Gradle 6.6 (probably downloaded automatically) and Javacard that supports JC304 SDK and EC operations.

This project is based on javacard-gradle-template and was tested on Windows 10 and Fedora 36.

Extensive documentation about applet specification, functionality of the secure channel, functionality of the tool, etc. can be found in doc/ directory.

Card-smart applet

The Card-smart applet can securely store 32-bit long secrets in form of name-value pairs. It can list all available secret names and query them individually.

The applet provides two types of communication: unsecure and secure. The secure communication consists of encrypted APDUs, realizing sort of secure channel over ECDH (do not mistake it with ISO7816-4 Secure Messaging or GlobalPlatform SecureChannel interface). The unsecure communication can use the same functionality of the applet, but the transmitted APDUs are not encrypted. Both secure and unsecure communication need to contain PIN to authenticate the user. The unsecure communication can be held only until the applet is initialized (and the pairing secret is created) - after then, only the secure communication can be held.

Card-smart tool

The Card-smart tool used for communication with the Card-smart applet in two ways:

  • interactively: the Smartie mode waits for user's CLI input
  • non-interactively: executing of the tool with given arguments and terminating after the completion

The tool will create all needed cryptographic keys and secrets by itself.


After cloning the repository (git clone --recursive, the ./gradlew (or ./gradlew.bat) command executed in the root directory will create the gradle daemon and build the project.

Use ./gradlew buildJavaCard --info --rerun-tasks to build a CAP file from the applet at applet/src/main/java/applet/ The CAP file is stored in applet/build/javacard/applet.cap. Configuration of the applet build can be found at applet/build.gradle.

To build the CAP file and load it into the connected card, use ./gradlew installJavacard.

To run the tool, use ./gradlew run. The tool can be also compiled into so-called flatJar, runnable .jar file. This can be done via ./gradlew clean for cleaning the build directory and ./gradlew jar that creates applet/build/libs/card-smart-tool. When compiled this way, the tool can be executed as java -jar applet/build/libs/card-smart-tool.

Use ./gradlew test --info --rerun-tasks to run the JUnit tests.


The tool can be used in interactive and non-interactive way. Both ways require same format of arguments. Interactive mode can be started via tool execution with no argument (eg. java -jar card-smart-tool), non-interactive mode requires arguments (eg. java -jar card-smart-tool -c 1111 -p 0000).

Basic workflow

Initialize applet, get/store pairing secret into pairing_secret file and set card PIN from default 0000 to 1111:

java -jar card-smart-tool --init -f pairing_secret -p 1111

Store secret from secret1.txt as secret1 (pairing secret file required):

java -jar card-smart-tool -s secret1 -i secret1.txt -f pairing_secret -p 1111

Print stored secret with name secret1 in hex format:

java -jar card-smart-tool -v secret1 -f pairing_secret -p 1111

Changes PIN to 1234:

java -jar card-smart-tool -c 1234 -f pairing_secret -p 1111

List all names of stored secrets:

java -jar card-smart-tool -l -f pairing_secret -p 1234