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5.2.1: Split Bitcode Libraries

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@bluk bluk released this 19 Oct 19:04
· 12 commits to master since this release
  • Split CardIO and OpenCV libraries (#147 and card-io/
    The library is built with Xcode 7.0 with Bitcode enabled for all 3
    libraries. The libraries are now split into 3 static libraries:
    libCardIO.a, libopencv_core.a, and libopencv_imgproc.a.
    This split was done to reduce the individual file size to make it
    more managable for GitHub repositories which limit individual files to
    100 MB.

    Note that when an application is "Bitcode compiled" and distributed
    by the App Store, the app size should not be signficantly increased
    compared to before Bitcode enablement.

    You must use Xcode 7 since previous versions of Xcode are not fully
    compatible with Bitcode enabled libraries.