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ahankinson edited this page Nov 30, 2012 · 2 revisions

XcodeCapp is a great tool that allows to manage all necessary conversion from/to Cappuccino world/Xcode world. It is basically a bridge between these two worlds that will work completely transparently. XcodeCapp is shipped with Cappuccino. You can by default find it to /usr/local/narwhal/packages/cappuccino/support/ For convenience, you can move it or copy it to your /Applications folder.

Once launched, you will see a small coffee machine icon in your Mac OS X menu bar that should be grayed if this is the first time you launch it. Click on this icon, and select "Listen to Project..."

A standard folder chooser dialog will appear. Choose the folder of the Cappuccino project you just created. The icon will become darker, and you will notice some Growl notification indicating XcodeCapp is currently loading the project. The initial time to load a project depends on the size of the project. For a new template it should be very quick.


XcodeCapp will have generated a hidden folder located in your root project folder, named .xCodeCappSupport. You should never need to edit anything in it. To launch the Xcode project of your Cappuccino project, click on the XcodeCapp icon, and choose Open Project in Xcode. Xcode will start.