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A functional-reactive framework for WebAssembly components that run on the server and client.


JavaScript implementation of a Wick host to run WebAssembly components.

Wick's WebAssembly components produce rxJS observables and can be used to delegate compute-intensive tasks easily to workers.


Online demos of Wick in action:

Public repository of component examples:

Wick's example directory:


$ npm install @candlecorp/wick


Usage involves delegating to a worker to avoid holding up the main thread. The wasmrs-js package includes ready-made workers or you can create your own from the module files themselves if it works better for your environment. It can be as simple as a one-liner to make your own worker in your UI framework of choice (example).

import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { Packet, Wick } from '@candlecorp/wick';
import { decode, encode } from '@msgpack/msgpack';
import { wasi } from 'wasmrs-js';

const wasiOpts: wasi.WasiOptions = {
  version: wasi.WasiVersions.SnapshotPreview1,
  preopens: {
    '/': 'opfs:/',
  stdin: 0,
  stdout: 1,
  stderr: 2,

const component = await Wick.Component.WasmRs.FromResponse(
  await fetch('component.wasm'),
    workerUrl: new URL('path-to/worker.js'),
    wasi: wasiOpts,

const instance = await component.instantiate({
  config: {
    /* any component configuration necessary*/

const stream = from([
  new Packet('left', encode(42)),
  new Packet('right', encode(32)),

instance.invoke('add', stream).subscribe({
  next(packet) {
    if (! {

    const value = decode(;
    console.log({ value });

