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* docs: update README with missing parameters and new config part layout
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hbollon committed Jun 16, 2021
1 parent 3d02c81 commit 71cfc24
Showing 1 changed file with 197 additions and 44 deletions.
241 changes: 197 additions & 44 deletions
@@ -1,18 +1,73 @@
# Terraboard

Website: [](

![Terraboard Logo](logo/terraboard_logo.png)

🌍 📋 A web dashboard to inspect Terraform States

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<h1 align="center">Terraboard</h1>
<p align="center">
<img alt="Terraboard logo" height="200" src="logo/terraboard_logo.png">
<p align="center">🌍 📋 A web dashboard to inspect Terraform States</p>
<p align="center">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img alt="Docker Pulls" src="" />
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img alt="Go Report Card" src="" />
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img alt="Gitter" src="" />
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img alt="Build Status" src="" />
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<img alt="Coverage Status" src="" />
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img alt="By Camptocamp" src="" />
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img alt="Documentation" src="">
<p align="center">Website: <a href=""></a></p>


<details><summary>Table of content</summary>

- [What is it?](#what-is-it)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Search](#search)
- [State](#state)
- [Compare](#compare)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [AWS S3 (state) + DynamoDB (lock)](#aws-s3-state--dynamodb-lock)
- [Terraform Cloud](#terraform-cloud)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Available parameters](#available-parameters)
- [Application Options](#application-options)
- [General Provider Options](#general-provider-options)
- [Logging Options](#logging-options)
- [Database Options](#database-options)
- [AWS (and S3 compatible providers) Options](#aws-and-s3-compatible-providers-options)
- [S3 Options](#s3-options)
- [Terraform Enterprise Options](#terraform-enterprise-options)
- [Google Cloud Platform Options](#google-cloud-platform-options)
- [GitLab Options](#gitlab-options)
- [Web](#web)
- [Help Options](#help-options)
- [Use with Docker](#use-with-docker)
- [Docker-compose](#docker-compose)
- [Docker command line](#docker-command-line)
- [Use with Rancher](#use-with-rancher)
- [Authentication and base URL](#authentication-and-base-url)
- [Install from source](#install-from-source)
- [Compatibility Matrix](#compatibility-matrix)
- [Development](#development)
- [Architecture](#architecture)
- [A server process](#a-server-process)
- [A web UI](#a-web-ui)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Contributing](#contributing)


## What is it?

Expand All @@ -29,6 +84,7 @@ Terraboard is a web dashboard to visualize and query
It currently supports several remote state backend providers:

- [AWS S3 (state) + DynamoDB (lock)](
- [S3 compatible backends (ex: MinIO)](
- [Google Cloud Storage](
- [Terraform Cloud (remote)](
- [GitLab](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,35 +150,132 @@ The precedence of configurations is as described below.

### Available parameters

|`-V` or `--version`| - | - | Prints version | - |
|`-p` or `--port`|`TERRABOARD_PORT`|`web.port`|Port to listen on| 8080 |
|`-c` or `--config-file`|`CONFIG_FILE`|-|Config File path| - |
|`-l` or `--log-level` | `TERRABOARD_LOG_LEVEL` | `log.level` | Set log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) | info |
|`--log-format` | `TERRABOARD_LOG_FORMAT` | `log.format` | Set log format (plain, json) | plain |
|`--db-host` | `DB_HOST` | `` | Database host | db |
|`--db-port` | `DB_PORT` | `db.port` | Database port | 5432 |
|`--db-user` | `DB_USER` | `db.user` | Database user | gorm |
|`--db-password` | `DB_PASSWORD` | `db.password` | Database password | - |
|`--db-name` | `DB_NAME` | `` | Database name | gorm |
|`--db-sslmode` | `DB_SSLMODE` | `db.sslmode` | SSL mode enforced for database access (require, verify-full, verify-ca, disable) | require |
|`--no-sync` | - | `` | Do not sync database | false |
|`--sync-interval` | - | `db.sync-interval` | DB sync interval (in minutes) | 1 |
|`--dynamodb-table` | `AWS_DYNAMODB_TABLE` | `aws.dynamodb-table` | AWS DynamoDB table for locks | - |
|`--s3-bucket` | `AWS_BUCKET` | `aws.bucket` | AWS S3 bucket | - |
|`--app-role-arn` | `APP_ROLE_ARN` | `` | Role ARN to Assume | - |
|`--aws-external-id` | `AWS_EXTERNAL_ID` | `aws.external-id` | External ID to use when assuming role | - |
|`--key-prefix` | `AWS_KEY_PREFIX` | `aws.key-prefix` | AWS Key Prefix | - |
|`--file-extension` | `AWS_FILE_EXTENSION` | `aws.file-extension` | File extension(s) of state files. Use multiple CLI flags or a comma separated list ENV variable | .tfstate |
|`--base-url` | `TERRABOARD_BASE_URL` | `web.base-url` | Base URL | / |
|`--logout-url` | `TERRABOARD_LOGOUT_URL` | `web.logout-url` | Logout URL | - |
|`--tfe-address` | `TFE_ADDRESS` | `tfe.tfe-address` | Terraform Enterprise address for states access | - |
|`--tfe-token` | `TFE_TOKEN` | `tfe.tfe-token` | Terraform Enterprise token for states access | - |
|`--tfe-organization` | `TFE_ORGANIZATION` | `tfe.tfe-organization` | Terraform Enterprise organization for states access | - |
|`--gcs-bucket` | `N/A` | `gcp.gcs-buckets` | Google Cloud Storage buckets to access | - |
|`--gcp-sa-key-path` | `GCP_SA_KEY_PATH` | `gcp.gcp-sa-key-path` | Path to the service account key to use for Google Cloud Storage | - |
| | `GODEBUG` | `netdns=go` | DNS resolver to use (see | netdns=cgo |
#### Application Options

- `-V`, `--version` Display version.
- `-c`, `--config-file` <default: *$CONFIG_FILE*> Config File path

#### General Provider Options

- `--no-versioning` <default: *$TERRABOARD_NO_VERSIONING*> Disable versioning support from Terraboard (useful for S3 compatible providers like MinIO)
- Yaml: **
- `--no-locks` <default: *$TERRABOARD_NO_LOCKS*> Disable locks support from Terraboard (useful for S3 compatible providers like MinIO)
- Yaml: **

#### Logging Options

- `-l`, `--log-level` <default: *"info"*> Set log level ('debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal', 'panic').
- Yaml: *log.level*
- `--log-format` <default: *"plain"*> Set log format ('plain', 'json').
- Yaml: *log.format*

#### Database Options

- `--db-host` <default: *"db"*> Database host.
- Env: *DB_HOST*
- Yaml: **
- `--db-port` <default: *"5432"*> Database port.
- Env: *DB_PORT*
- Yaml: *database.port*
- `--db-user` <default: *"gorm"*> Database user.
- Env: *DB_USER*
- Yaml: *database.user*
- `--db-password` <default: *$DB_PASSWORD*> Database password.
- Yaml: *database.password*
- `--db-name` <default: *"gorm"*> Database name.
- Env: *DB_NAME*
- Yaml: **
- `--db-sslmode` <default: *"require"*> Database SSL mode.
- Yaml: *database.sslmode*
- `--no-sync` Do not sync database.
- Yaml: **
- `--sync-interval` <default: *"1"*> DB sync interval (in minutes)
- Yaml: *database.sync-interval*

#### AWS (and S3 compatible providers) Options

- `--dynamodb-table` <default: *$AWS_DYNAMODB_TABLE*> AWS DynamoDB table for locks.
- Yaml: *aws.dynamodb-table*
- `--aws-endpoint` <default: *$AWS_ENDPOINT*> AWS endpoint.
- Yaml: *aws.endpoint*
- `--aws-region` <default: *$AWS_REGION*> AWS region.
- Yaml: *aws.region*
- `--aws-role-arn` <default: *$APP_ROLE_ARN*> Role ARN to Assume.
- Yaml: **
- `--aws-external-id` <default: *$AWS_EXTERNAL_ID*> External ID to use when assuming role.
- Yaml: *aws.external-id*

#### S3 Options

- `--s3-bucket` <default: *$AWS_BUCKET*> AWS S3 bucket.
- Yaml: *aws.s3.bucket*
- `--key-prefix` <default: *$AWS_KEY_PREFIX*> AWS Key Prefix.
- Yaml: *aws.s3.key-prefix*
- `--file-extension` <default: *".tfstate"*> File extension(s) of state files.
- Yaml: *aws.s3.file-extension*
- `--force-path-style` <default: *$AWS_FORCE_PATH_STYLE*> Force path style S3 bucket calls.
- Yaml: *aws.s3.force-path-style*

#### Terraform Enterprise Options

- `--tfe-address` <default: *$TFE_ADDRESS*> Terraform Enterprise address for states access
- Yaml: *tfe.address*
- `--tfe-token` <default: *$TFE_TOKEN*> Terraform Enterprise Token for states access
- Env: *TFE_TOKEN*
- Yaml: *tfe.token*
- `--tfe-organization` <default: *$TFE_ORGANIZATION*> Terraform Enterprise organization for states access
- Yaml: *tfe.organization*

#### Google Cloud Platform Options

- `--gcs-bucket` Google Cloud bucket to search
- Yaml: *gcp.gcs-bucket*
- `--gcp-sa-key-path` <default: *$GCP_SA_KEY_PATH*> The path to the service account to use to connect to Google Cloud Platform
- Yaml: *gcp.gcp-sa-key-path*

#### GitLab Options

- `--gitlab-address` <default: *""*> GitLab address (root)
- Yaml: *gitlab.address*
- `--gitlab-token` <default: *$GITLAB_TOKEN*> Token to authenticate upon GitLab
- Yaml: *gitlab.token*

#### Web

- `-p`, `--port` <default: *"8080"*> Port to listen on.
- Yaml: *web.port*
- `--base-url` <default: *"/"*> Base URL.
- Yaml: *web.base-url*
- `--logout-url` <default: *$TERRABOARD_LOGOUT_URL*> Logout URL.
- Yaml: *web.logout-url*

#### Help Options

- `-h`, `--help` Show this help message

## Use with Docker

Expand Down

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