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Reviewed By Trucker


A web app that enables truckers to review a company that post loads. Reviewed By Trucker was created with Node, Express, HTML, and CSS.

Preview Samples

Home View Loads
Product Screenshot 1 Product Screenshot 2


Base URL

User can see a list of loads.

Index -
Show -

Running Locally

Make sure you have Node.js >= 10.11.0 installed.

git clone
cd reviewed-by-trucker
npm i && nodemon

The app should now be running on localhost:3000.


Mocha, Chia, and Chai-Http need to be installed for running test.

npm install mocha chai chai-http
  • mocha is our Test Runner - it actually runs our test code

  • chai is our Assertion Library - it gives us syntactic sugar to make writing test intuitive

  • chai-http is a Helper Test Library - it gives us methods to make http request inside our tests very easy

Running the tests

Make sure you have Mocha, Chia and Chia-Http installed.

Inside the project directory type mocha to run the tests.

Break down into end to end tests

These tests check each route to make sure a HTML template is rendered.

// tell mocha we want to test Loads (this string is taco - it can be anything)
describe('Loads', () => {
    // TEST HOME
    // use taco name for the test
    it('should display homepage on / GET', (done) => {
        // use chai-http to make a request to our server
        // send a GET request to root route
        // wait for response
        .end((err, res) => {
            // check that the response status is == 200 (success)
            // check that the response is a type html
            // end this test and move onto the next