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Design Document

campbellmarianna edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 11 revisions

Naturally Mee

The Naturally Mee app allows users to create an account (profile), add reviews to natural products, see natural products based on what button the user presses. ​


Natural product enthusiast!! Naturally Mee caters to individuals who care about what they're putting in and on their bodies. Our app is for people who appreciate what they look like naturally and desire to find products that support them.


When a user opens the app, they can either login or sign up. Once they have done that the user can be directed to products based on keywords such as cruelty-free, vegan, etc. The user can star the products they like. Under account, the user can view the products they starred, drag and drop them into a interactive calendar to plan out when they would possible like to use the product.



  • posterImage: UIImage
  • title: String
  • description: String
  • thumbnailImage:UIImage
  • productTitle: String
  • button?
  • price: float
  • productImage:UIImage
  • productDescription: String
  • button?

For Week 3, 4 and 5:

  • firstName: String
  • lastName: String
  • emailAddress: String
  • starredProduct : boolean


visualCalenderProducts View - allows user to drag the product they starred in a calendar for when they hope to use the product.

Paper Prototype Paper Prototype Part 2


  • MainViewController: displays logo, "Login" and "Sign up" buttons, and provides a short description of Naturally Mee

  • TargettedProductsDisplay -- displays 4 buttons with 1 keyword in each that leads to "ProductListViewController" with a list of products (with an image and brief description) associated with the keyword.

  • ProductListViewController -- displays list of products associated with that category

  • ProductDetailViewController-- includes an image of a specific product with the name of the product, a brief description, the price, and a button that links you to a site where you can purchase that product. ​


  • Firebase - Login, Sign up, Auth System ​

Weekly Milestone

Week 4 - Usable Build

[List of tasks needed to be complete before you can start user testing]

  • Set up storyboard
    • keywordProductsViewController
    • AccountViewController(table view)
    • Find and Implement APIs to do Network Calls (backend) ​

Week 5 - Finish Features

[List of tasks to complete the implementation of features]

  • logInViewController
  • signUpViewController

Week 6 - Polish

[List of tasks needed to polish and ship to the app store]

  • StarredProductInteractiveCalenderView -Edit final view after user has drag and dropped products.
  • Finalize layout and design for StarredProductInteractiveCalenderView
  • Push to App Store
  • App Description
  • Screenshots
  • Name