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support for historically accurate liturgical calendar computations

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calendarium-romanum-historical is a Ruby gem building upon calendarium-romanum and providing support for historically accurate liturgical calendar computations. The code and data included in the gem will (once they are sufficiently complete) allow you to accurately compute liturgical calendar for any time in the past since the liturgical reform of Vatican II.


pre-alpha - not yet released


Just like calendarium-romanum, calendarium-romanum-historical is dual-licensed. Freely choose between GNU/LGPL 3 and MIT.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'calendarium-romanum-historical'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install calendarium-romanum-historical

Development roadmap

  • history-aware sanctorale data loader
  • data file with complete history of the General Roman Calendar from 1969 to this day
    • sanctorale
    • temporale
  • formal specification of the XML data format (allowing validation, use in XML editors etc.)
  • database-backed sanctorale data querying
  • history-aware temporale
  • history-aware calendar rules (concerning solemnity transfers, among other things)
  • main types of historical calendars:
    • calendar for year Y as it looked on date D (ignores the fact that sanctorale data or calendar rules may change during the year, possibly affecting the calendar)
    • calendar for year Y as it looked on every respective day of the year


Look in the data directory what historical calendar data look like.

$ calendariumromhist bootstrap FILE

will help you transform your conventional calendarium-romanum sanctorale data file to a XML file used to encode historical development of a calendar. Edit it and specify changes in time (later on there will be documentation describing how to do that, for now you're left with examples in the data and spec directories).

Then code like this will create Sanctorale representing state of the calendar at the specified point of time:

loader =

date = 1990, 3, 27 # any date you wish
sanctorale = loader.load_from_file 'data/general-roman-la.xml', at: date

Using the gem's CLI any historical state of the calendar described in a historical XML data file can be exported as a conventional calendarium-romanum sanctorale data file:

$ calendariumromhist export data/general-roman-la.xml
$ calendariumromhist export --date=2000-01-01 data/general-roman-la.xml

XSL templates

As an alternative to the Ruby code described above, directory xslt contains XSL templates capable of exporting initial and final state of a historical XML data file in the format of a conventional sanctorale data file, using just your favourite XSLT processor. E.g.

$ saxon-xslt data/general-roman-la.xml xslt/final.xsl


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


support for historically accurate liturgical calendar computations







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