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Revise and then Finalize Contistution and Bylaws

Past due by almost 5 years 85% complete

Using previously established UNLV RSO Constitutions and Bylaws as an example, revise sections as necessary to align with TODA's values, mission statement, and goals. These ideals can be found in our previously edited Constitutions and Bylaws--therefore, this issue is meant to salvage that work and quickly roll it into an executable and finalized document.


Using previously established UNLV RSO Constitutions and Bylaws as an example, revise sections as necessary to align with TODA's values, mission statement, and goals. These ideals can be found in our previously edited Constitutions and Bylaws--therefore, this issue is meant to salvage that work and quickly roll it into an executable and finalized document.

Once finished, prepare a final version for upload.