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Adam Heinermann edited this page Aug 8, 2016 · 12 revisions


The configuration file bwapi.ini found under Starcraft/bwapi-data/ can be used to configure various options in BWAPI. The options are key=value pairs, and the keys are grouped into sections, for example, the key lan_mode is in the section auto_menu.


It is possible to override the bwapi.ini settings by starting Starcraft with environment variables named in the following manner:

Section Key Value Environment variable override
ai ai bot.dll BWAPI_CONFIG_AI__AI=bot.dll
auto_menu lan_mode Local PC BWAPI_CONFIG_AUTO_MENU__LAN_MODE=Local PC
section key value BWAPI_CONFIG_SECTION__KEY=value
  • Upper case section and key.
  • Double underscores between section and key.

Additionally, it's possible to override which bwapi.ini file to use altogether with the BWAPI_CONFIG_INI environment variable.

Configuration Settings


Contains settings for loading a user's AI module or tournament module. Commas can be used to separate the module loaded by multiple instances of Starcraft.

Absolute paths are acceptable (with or without quotations). These paths can easily be obtained in the Windows operating systems by holding SHIFT and right clicking your AI module DLL, followed by selecting Copy as path or equivalent.

Example: ai = "C:\Users\Adam\bwapi\bwapi\Release\TestAIModule.dll"


This is a path to the AI module.


Like ai, only this is the path to the AI module used in DEBUG mode.


This is a path to a tournament module. Tournament modules can only be DLLs.


Contains settings pertaining to automatic menu navigation and automation.


Value Description
OFF Disables menu automation.
SINGLE_PLAYER Automates the navigation to a single-player game.
LAN Automates the navigation to a specific multi-player mode chosen by the lan_mode option.
BATTLE_NET Automates the navigation to Beyond that this feature is non-functional.


Value Description
FIRST Use the first character in the list.
WAIT Wait for the user to select a character.
name Use the character with the given name. Create it if it doesn't exist.


Value Description
ON Waits for a debugger to be attached when running in DEBUG mode, before navigating automatic menus.
OFF Does not wait.


The name of the network mode in the multiplayer menu. Must be the fully-qualified name of the user's locale.


  • Local Area Network (IPX)
  • Direct Cable Connection
  • Local Area Network (UDP)
  • Local PC
  • Direct IP

Note that lan_mode = Local Area Network (UDP) will match the network name in the english locale, but not necessarily the german locale.


This specifies what to do at the end of a match or replay.

Value Description
ON Automatically skips the match results screen.
OFF Waits for the user to skip the match results screen.


A relative path to the map or replay file for loading. This path can contain characters ? and * for single and multi character wildcards respectively. The order of the map or replay files being chosen is determined by the mapiteration option. If there are no wildcard characters, then only one map will be chosen.


  • map = maps/(2)Boxer.scm
  • map = maps/BroodWar/WebMaps/(?)*.sc?
  • map = maps/replays/LastReplay.rep
  • map =


Name of the network game to join. If the game does not exist, and the map entry is not blank, then a game is created instead of joined. If this entry is blank, then the rules of the map entry are followed.


Value Description
RANDOM Randomly chooses a map file.
SEQUENCE Plays through every map file in a sequence.


Value Description
Terran Selecting Terran from the dropdown.
Protoss Selecting Protoss from the dropdown.
Zerg Selecting Zerg from the dropdown.
Random Selecting Random from the dropdown.


The number of enemy computer players that will be added to the match.


The default race of the enemy computer players.

Value Description
Terran Selecting Terran from the dropdown.
Protoss Selecting Protoss from the dropdown.
Zerg Selecting Zerg from the dropdown.
Random Selecting Random from the dropdown.
RandomTP Randomly selects either Terran or Protoss.
RandomTZ Randomly selects either Terran or Zerg.
RandomPZ Randomly selects either Protoss or Zerg.
RandomTPZ Randomly selects either Terran, Protoss, or Zerg.


The race of a specified enemy computer player. Can be any one of the values from enemy_race, along with one additional value.

Value Description
Default Uses the value specified by enemy_race.


Selects the desired game type from the dropdown menu. Can be any of the values found in GameTypes, provided that value is visible in the dropdown menu.


Some game types have an extra dropdown menu, the value specified here will be selected from that dropdown. e.g. 3 vs 1


Specifies the file to write when automatically saving a replay file at the end of a match. May contain environment variables and date formatting strings.

Environment variables are specified as %VARIABLE_NAME%. Time variables are specified as $Format.

Environment Variables

Value Description Sample
BOTNAME The full name of the BWAPI Player. Undermind
BOTNAME6 The name of the BWAPI Player truncated to 6 characters. MimicB
BOTRACE The race of the BWAPI Player represented as a single character. P
MAP The name of the map truncated to 16 characters. Challenger
ALLYNAMES The names of all allied players, each truncated to 6 characters. krasi0Overmi
ALLYRACES The races of all allied players, each race being represented as a single character. TZ
ENEMYNAMES The names of all enemy players, each truncated to 6 characters. Computer players will have the name Comp. UAlberSkynet
ENEMYRACES The races of all enemy players, each race being represented as a single character. ZP
GAMERESULT The result of the match, either win or loss. loss

Time Formatting

Specified by this function. Make sure to use the dollar sign ($) as a formatting prefix instead of %.


Number of players to wait for before starting a network game. This includes the BWAPI player. The game will start immediately when it is full.


The network game will be started when the number of players reaches this value. This includes the BWAPI player. The game will start immediately when it is full.


The time in milliseconds (ms) to wait after the game has met the min_players requirement. The game will start immediately when it is full.


Contains settings associated with BWAPI functionality.


Value Description
ON Enables the use of special graphics and sounds around certain times of the year.
OFF Disables the use of special easter eggs.

As of right now there are no special holiday settings so this option currently does nothing.


This is specifically used to disable shared memory (BWAPI Server) as a workaround for a bug in the Windows Emulator "WINE".

Value Description
ON BWAPI Server is enabled.
OFF BWAPI Server is disabled.


Settings for BWAPI's windowed mode hack.


Value Description
ON Starcraft will be launched inside of a window, instead of full screen.
OFF Starcraft will run in full screen.

Window settings

The left, top, width, and height settings for the window position. These values will be overwritten if a window is active.


Settings that alter the behaviour of Starcraft.


Used to override the state of the game's sound engine to gain a small performance boost. Note that muting in-game sound will not disable the sound engine. In-game music and sound effects are still processed, even if muted.

Value Description
ON The Starcraft sound engine will be enabled.
OFF The Starcraft sound engine will be disabled. Sound will not play, and in-game sound settings will be disabled.


Value Description
gif Writes screenshots in .gif format.
pcx Writes screenshots in .pcx format (Starcraft default).
tga Writes screenshots in .tga format.
bmp Writes screenshots in .bmp format.


This uses a fixed seed at the start of the game so that if played out the exact same way, the same occurrences will happen every time. This value must be a decimal integer.

Note: This option affects both single AND multi-player modes (for game hosts only). This means that hosting a multi-player game with this option enabled will distribute this fixed seed to all other players in the game.


This overrides the default game speed setting and prevents bots from changing the game speed. Enabling this option causes it to take effect. The value is the number of milliseconds per frame. A negative value uses the game's default speed value.


This specifies if BWAPI should drop other players from the game when the timeout dialog reaches 0. Players usually time out when there are connection issues or their client is not responding. Setting this to OFF will cause BWAPI to wait an infinite amount of time until the player reconnects.

Value Description
ON BWAPI will drop players from the game when they have timed out.
OFF BWAPI will leave the time-out dialog open and wait for the other players to reconnect.