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Sketch Document Viewer

React TailwindCSS TailwindCSS

This web application allows users to view Sketch Documents & Artboards in the cloud.

How to run it

Important: tested with Node.js v16.13.2

First, create your .env file:


Install node modules:

yarn install

Run the app:

yarn start

Open this URL in your browser:


Run e2e tests

First, make sure to install supported browsers

npx playwright install

Run e2e tests

yarn e2e:test


  • Document viewer
  • Artboard viewer
  • Load different documents depending on the URL
  • Navigation through Artboards
  • Code-Splitting (Lazy+Suspense)
  • E2e tests with Playwright

Technologies used

  • React v17.0.2
  • TailwindCSS
  • React Router v6
  • ApolloClient
  • Lottie (animations)
  • Playwright (e2e tests)
  • Vercel: (Because of security reasons I'm not able to fetch data from API - CORS issue)

Folder structure

|-- src
    |-- App.js
    |-- index.js
    |-- assets
    |-- components
    |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- ArtboardContainer
    |   |   |-- ArtboardContainer.js
    |   |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- ThumbnailContainer
    |   |   |-- ThumbnailContainer.js
    |   |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- Navbar
    |   |   |-- Navbar.js
    |   |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- Loader
    |       |-- Loader.js
    |       |-- index.js
    |-- context
    |   |-- AppContext.js
    |-- e2e
    |   |-- artboard.test.js
    |   |-- document.test.js
    |-- graphql
    |   |-- queries
    |       |-- document.js
    |-- hooks
    |   |-- useCallQuery.js
    |   |-- useWindowDimensions.js
    |   |-- index.js
    |-- layouts
    |   |-- MainLayout
    |       |-- MainLayout.js
    |       |-- index.js
    |-- pages
    |   |-- Artboard
    |   |   |-- Artboard.js
    |   |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- Document
    |       |-- Document.js
    |       |-- index.js
    |-- router
        |-- Router.js
        |-- index.js

Things that can be improved

  • Image loading optimization
  • Implement Sentry or similar for error monitoring