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Integrating hume with Nagios

Arturo Busleiman aka Buanzo edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 1 revision

If you are a bit tired of email notifications, you can use hume to route your service and host notifications to something better like Slack. For this to work you need hume version >= 1.2.22:

$ hume --version
HumeClient v1.2.22 by Buanzo

The idea is to define two new commands (usually to commands.cfg in /etc/nagios3 - YMMV):

define command {
   command_name     notify-service-by-hume
   command_line     /usr/local/bin/hume --hostname "$HOSTNAME$" -L "$SERVICESTATE$" -t "$SERVICEDESC$" "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ -- Service has been in $SERVICESTATE$ for $SERVICEDURATION$ - Service Check Output (if any): $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$" 2>/tmp/service.log

define command {
   command_name     notify-host-by-hume
   command_line     /usr/local/bin/hume --hostname "$HOSTNAME$" -L critical -t NAGIOS_HOST_NOTIFICATION "Host State: $HOSTSTATE$ - Duration: $HOSTDURATION$" 2>/tmp/host.log


As you can see, there is a stderr redirection at the end of each command_line: Once you know all is working, you can delete that and reload nagios3.

Then you need to enable the usage of those commands for service and host notifications.

You can do this either via contacts configuration, or globally. For the global option, edit your nagios.cfg file, and search/modify/add these keywords:


If you prefer to use a contact, use something like this, and remember to set services and hosts to use it:

define contact {
   contact_name                             hume
   alias                                    Hume Dispatcher
   service_notification_period              24x7
   host_notification_period                 24x7
   service_notification_options             w,u,c,r
   host_notification_options                d,r
   service_notification_commands            notify-service-by-hume
   host_notification_commands               notify-host-by-hume
