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Silk Pay

Transfer funds safely and smoothly.

View Demo

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

This is a smart contract for Silk Pay - a privacy-preserving payment application built on Secret Network that introduces a new sender and receiver confirmation architecture. Using the send request and receive request architecture, Silk Pay ensures outbound capital both safely and consistently sent to the correct location, enabling peace of mind and usability for everyday users.

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Built With

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Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Setting up locally

Do this on the command line (terminal etc) in this folder.

  1. Run chain locally and make sure to note your wallet addresses.
docker run -it --rm -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -p 1337:1337 -v $(pwd):/root/code --name secretdev enigmampc/secret-network-sw-dev
  1. Access container via separate terminal window
docker exec -it secretdev /bin/bash

# cd into code folder
cd code
  1. Store contract
# Store contracts required for test
secretcli tx compute store snip-20-reference-impl.wasm.gz --from a --gas 3000000 -y --keyring-backend test
secretcli tx compute store sn-silk-pay.wasm.gz --from a --gas 3000000 -y --keyring-backend test

# Get the contract's id
secretcli query compute list-code
  1. Initiate SNIP-20 contracts and set viewing keys (make sure you substitute the wallet and contract addressses as required)
# Init SNIP-20 (SSCRT)
INIT='{ "name": "SSCRT", "symbol": "SSCRT", "decimals": 6, "initial_balances": [{ "address": "secret1mmhhzccndqplwp9juj6z3hy0eaqh4pf395e2my", "amount": "1000000000000000000" }, { "address": "secret1pt9psved7z8hygryv7wyyur64rumys9ugj6n9w", "amount": "1000000000000000000" }], "prng_seed": "RG9UaGVSaWdodFRoaW5nLg==", "config": { "public_total_supply": true, "enable_deposit": true, "enable_redeem": true, "enable_mint": false, "enable_burn": false } }'
secretcli tx compute instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" --from a --label "SSCRT" -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt

# Set viewing key for SSCRT
secretcli tx compute execute secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg '{"set_viewing_key": {"key": "DoTheRightThing.", "padding": "BUTT2022."}}' --from a -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
secretcli tx compute execute secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg '{"set_viewing_key": {"key": "DoTheRightThing.", "padding": "BUTT2022."}}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt

# Init SHADE (SHD)
INIT='{ "name": "SHADE", "symbol": "SHD", "decimals": 8, "initial_balances": [{ "address": "secret1mmhhzccndqplwp9juj6z3hy0eaqh4pf395e2my", "amount": "2000000000000000000" }, { "address": "secret1pt9psved7z8hygryv7wyyur64rumys9ugj6n9w", "amount": "2000000000000000000" }], "prng_seed": "RG9UaGVSaWdodFRoaW5nLg==", "config": { "public_total_supply": true, "enable_deposit": false, "enable_redeem": false, "enable_mint": false, "enable_burn": false } }'
secretcli tx compute instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" --from a --label "SHADE" -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt

# Set viewing key for SHADE
secretcli tx compute execute secret1hqrdl6wstt8qzshwc6mrumpjk9338k0lpsefm3 '{"set_viewing_key": {"key": "DoTheRightThing.", "padding": "BUTT2022."}}' --from a -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
secretcli tx compute execute secret1hqrdl6wstt8qzshwc6mrumpjk9338k0lpsefm3 '{"set_viewing_key": {"key": "DoTheRightThing.", "padding": "BUTT2022."}}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt

# Init SILK (SILK)
INIT='{ "name": "SILK", "symbol": "SILK", "decimals": 8, "initial_balances": [{ "address": "secret1mmhhzccndqplwp9juj6z3hy0eaqh4pf395e2my", "amount": "3000000000000000000" }, { "address": "secret1pt9psved7z8hygryv7wyyur64rumys9ugj6n9w", "amount": "3000000000000000000" }], "prng_seed": "RG9UaGVSaWdodFRoaW5nLg==", "config": { "public_total_supply": true, "enable_deposit": false, "enable_redeem": false, "enable_mint": false, "enable_burn": false } }'
secretcli tx compute instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" --from a --label "SILK" -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt

# Set viewing key for SILK
secretcli tx compute execute secret18r5szma8hm93pvx6lwpjwyxruw27e0k57tncfy '{"set_viewing_key": {"key": "DoTheRightThing.", "padding": "BUTT2022."}}' --from a -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
secretcli tx compute execute secret18r5szma8hm93pvx6lwpjwyxruw27e0k57tncfy '{"set_viewing_key": {"key": "DoTheRightThing.", "padding": "BUTT2022."}}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Initialize Silk Pay (make sure you substitute the wallet and contract addressses as required)
# Init SILK Pay
INIT='{ "fee": "500000", "shade": {"address": "secret1hqrdl6wstt8qzshwc6mrumpjk9338k0lpsefm3", "contract_hash": "35F5DB2BC5CD56815D10C7A567D6827BECCB8EAF45BC3FA016930C4A8209EA69"}, "sscrt": {"address": "secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg", "contract_hash": "35F5DB2BC5CD56815D10C7A567D6827BECCB8EAF45BC3FA016930C4A8209EA69"}, "treasury_address": "secret1fwulevfv3cs4ec3rzv9cthu97pf6us00rzmdex" }'
secretcli tx compute instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" --from a --label "SILK Pay" -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt

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You can decode and encode the msg used in the send functions below via


Name Type Description Optional
fee Uint128 sscrt fee for using safe send and receive request no
shade SecretContract to verify user's viewing key to view txs no
sscrt SecretContract no
treasury_address HumanAddr fee sent here when sender sends payment no


  1. Query config
secretcli query compute query secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw '{"config": {}}'
  "config": {
    "admin": "HumanAddr",
    "fee": "Uint128",
    "new_admin_nomination": "HumanAddr",
    "shade": "SecretContract",
    "sscrt": "SecretContract",
    "treasury_address": "HumanAddr"
  1. Query user's txs
Name Type Description Optional
address HumanAddr address of user no
key String user's SHD token viewing key no
page u32 page number starting from zero no
page_size u32 number of txs per page no
secretcli query compute query secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw '{"txs": {"address": "secret1mmhhzccndqplwp9juj6z3hy0eaqh4pf395e2my", "key": "DoTheRightThing.", "page": 0, "page_size": 50}}'
  "txs": {
    "txs": "Vec<HumanizedTx>",
    "total": "Option<u64>",

Handle functions

  1. Nominate new admin
  • Admin only | Name | Type | Description | Optional | |---------|-----------|---------------------------------|----------| | address | HumanAddr | address of new admin nomination | no |
# Nominate new admin
secretcli tx compute execute secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw '{"nominate_new_admin":{"address": "secret1pt9psved7z8hygryv7wyyur64rumys9ugj6n9w"}}' --from a -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Accept admin nomination
  • Can only be called by nominated address and no params required
secretcli tx compute execute secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw '{"accept_new_admin_nomination":{}}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Update fee
  • Admin only
  • Each tx keeps a track of the fee that was paid, so this can be changed without any concern
Name Type Description Optional
fee Uint128 new sscrt fee no
secretcli tx compute execute secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw '{"update_fee":{ "fee": "555" }}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Update treasury address
  • Admin only | Name | Type | Description | Optional | |---------|-----------|-------------------------|----------| | address | HumanAddr | address to send fees to | no |
secretcli tx compute execute secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw '{"update_treasury_address":{ "address": "secret1fwulevfv3cs4ec3rzv9cthu97pf6us00rzmdex" }}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Create send request
  • via SSCRT
  • Sender creates a Safe Send Tx, sends fee in SSCRT, sets details of Tx.
  • If token is not registered, it is registered.
  • Tx status is 0 (pending address confirmation).
Name Type Description Optional
address HumanAddr address of receiver no
description String description for tx yes
send_amount Uint128 amount to send no
token SecretContract token to send no
secretcli tx compute execute secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg '{"send": { "recipient": "secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw", "amount": "555", "msg": "eyJjcmVhdGVfc2VuZF9yZXF1ZXN0IjogeyJhZGRyZXNzIjogInNlY3JldDFtbWhoemNjbmRxcGx3cDlqdWo2ejNoeTBlYXFoNHBmMzk1ZTJteSIsICJzZW5kX2Ftb3VudCI6ICI1NTU1NTUiLCAiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiAiYXBvY2FseXB0byIsICJ0b2tlbiI6IHsiYWRkcmVzcyI6ICJzZWNyZXQxOHI1c3ptYThobTkzcHZ4Nmx3cGp3eXhydXcyN2UwazU3dG5jZnkiLCAiY29udHJhY3RfaGFzaCI6ICIzNUY1REIyQkM1Q0Q1NjgxNUQxMEM3QTU2N0Q2ODI3QkVDQ0I4RUFGNDVCQzNGQTAxNjkzMEM0QTgyMDlFQTY5In19fQ==" }}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Confirm address
  • via SSCRT
  • Tx status updated to 1 (pending payment).
Name Type Description Optional
position u32 position of Tx in user's Tx array no
secretcli tx compute execute secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg '{"send": { "recipient": "secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw", "amount": "0", "msg": "eyJjb25maXJtX2FkZHJlc3MiOiB7InBvc2l0aW9uIjogMH19" }}' --from a -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Create receive request
  • via SSCRT
  • Receiver create a Receive Request Tx via SSCRT, sends fee in SSCRT, sets details of Tx.
  • If token is not registered, it is registered.
  • Tx status is 1 (pending payment).
Name Type Description Optional
address HumanAddr address of sender no
description String description for tx yes
send_amount Uint128 amount to send no
token SecretContract token to send no
secretcli tx compute execute secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg '{"send": { "recipient": "secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw", "amount": "555", "msg": "eyJjcmVhdGVfcmVjZWl2ZV9yZXF1ZXN0IjogeyJhZGRyZXNzIjogInNlY3JldDFtbWhoemNjbmRxcGx3cDlqdWo2ejNoeTBlYXFoNHBmMzk1ZTJteSIsICJzZW5kX2Ftb3VudCI6ICI1NTU1NTUiLCAiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiAiYXBvY2FseXB0byByZWNlaXZlIHJlcXVlc3QiLCAidG9rZW4iOiB7ImFkZHJlc3MiOiAic2VjcmV0MThyNXN6bWE4aG05M3B2eDZsd3Bqd3l4cnV3MjdlMGs1N3RuY2Z5IiwgImNvbnRyYWN0X2hhc2giOiAiMzVGNURCMkJDNUNENTY4MTVEMTBDN0E1NjdENjgyN0JFQ0NCOEVBRjQ1QkMzRkEwMTY5MzBDNEE4MjA5RUE2OSJ9fX0=" }}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Send payment
  • If sender sends the correct token and amount, the contract forwards payment to the receiver and sends the fee to the treasury.
  • Tx status updated to 3 (paid).
Name Type Description Optional
position u32 position of Tx in user's Tx array no
secretcli tx compute execute secret18r5szma8hm93pvx6lwpjwyxruw27e0k57tncfy '{"send": { "recipient": "secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw", "amount": "555555", "msg": "eyJzZW5kX3BheW1lbnQiOiB7InBvc2l0aW9uIjogMH19" }}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt
  1. Cancel
  • via SSCRT
  • Either party can cancel the Tx and the fee is sent back to the creator.
  • Tx status updated to 2 (cancelled).
Name Type Description Optional
position u32 position of Tx in user's Tx array no
secretcli tx compute execute secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg '{"send": { "recipient": "secret1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymku0apnlw", "amount": "0", "msg": "eyJjYW5jZWwiOiB7InBvc2l0aW9uIjogMX19" }}' --from b -y --keyring-backend test --gas 3000000 --gas-prices=3.0uscrt

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Shade Protocol's Silk Pay smart contract






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