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Bug fixes + cleanup
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No longer writes cues out of order
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bsmith96 committed Apr 24, 2021
1 parent 0d17395 commit 34cac30
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 12 deletions.
71 changes: 59 additions & 12 deletions 08 Soundcheck/Create Spoken Line Check Cues.applescript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
-- @description Create spoken line check cues
-- @author Ben Smith
-- @link
-- @version 1.2
-- @version 1.3
-- @testedmacos 10.13.6
-- @testedqlab 4.6.9
-- @about Creates spoken output names and automated line check cues
-- @separateprocess TRUE

-- @changelog
-- v1.2 + fixed a bug where the wrong recording could be assigned to cues (could still be in the wrong order if the list of files is generated strangely, but will be assigned to the correct output)
-- v1.3 + creates cues in the correct order
-- + cleaned up "speak output names" loop
-- + recompiling or running the script within qlab no longer throws an error
-- v1.2 + fixed a bug where the wrong recording could be assigned to cues

-- USER DEFINED VARIABLES -----------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,15 +80,12 @@ set theChannels to splitString(userChannels, ", ")
-- Speak output names
set outputCount to count of theChannels

set chanNum to 0

repeat with eachOutput from 1 to outputCount
set eachOutputToSay to correctOutputName(item eachOutput of theChannels)
set chanNum to chanNum + 1
if eachOutputToSay does not contain "Sub" then
say (eachOutputToSay) using "Daniel" saving to (POSIX file saveLocation & checkDigits(chanNum, 2) & " " & (item eachOutput of theChannels) as string) & fileType
say (eachOutputToSay) using "Daniel" saving to (POSIX file saveLocation & checkDigits(eachOutput, 2) & " " & (item eachOutput of theChannels) as string) & fileType
set newFileName to (checkDigits(chanNum, 2) & " " & (item eachOutput of theChannels) as string) & fileType
set newFileName to (checkDigits(eachOutput, 2) & " " & (item eachOutput of theChannels) as string) & fileType
tell application "Finder"
set newFile to duplicate file (POSIX file (saveLocation & subFileName) as alias)
set name of newFile to newFileName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ end tell

-- Make audio cues
tell application id "com.figure53.Qlab.4" to tell front workspace
repeat with eachOutput in allTheFiles
if name of eachOutput is not subFileName then
repeat with eachOutput in my sortList(allTheFiles)
if q number of eachOutput is not subFileName then
set eachOutputName to my getOutputName(eachOutput)
set eachOutputNumber to my getOutputNumber(eachOutput)
make type "Audio" -- make cue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ tell application id "com.figure53.Qlab.4" to tell front workspace
end if
end repeat

-- brief delay to let the user see the completed cue stack
-- Brief delay to let the user see the completed cue stack
delay 0.5
collapse groupCue

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,10 +241,55 @@ on checkForFiles(saveLocation, subFileName)
end tell
end checkForFiles

-- Sort the list of files before creating cues

on sortList(theList)
set the indexList to {}
set the sortedList to {}
set theListNames to {}
set sortedListNames to {}

-- Create a list with the names of the files
repeat with i from 1 to (count of theList)
set eachItem to item i of theList
tell application "Finder"
set end of theListNames to (name of eachItem as string)
end tell
end repeat

-- Sort the list of filenames alphabetically (by output number)
repeat (the number of items in theListNames) times
set the lowItem to ""
repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in theListNames)
if i is not in the indexList then
set thisItem to item i of theListNames
if the lowItem is "" then
set the lowItem to thisItem
set the lowItemIndex to i
else if thisItem comes before the lowItem then
set the lowItem to thisItem
set the lowItemIndex to i
end if
end if
end repeat
set the end of sortedListNames to the lowItem
set the end of the indexList to the lowItemIndex
end repeat

-- Use the index list to create a sorted list of the files themselves
repeat with eachItem in indexList
set end of sortedList to item eachItem of theList
end repeat

return the sortedList
end sortList

-- Gets the output name from the file name. Hopefully useful if the list is not in the correct order.

on getOutputName(theFile)
set fileName to name of theFile
tell application "Finder"
set fileName to name of theFile
end tell
set nameWithoutExtension to splitString(fileName, ".")
set nameAsList to splitString(item 1 of nameWithoutExtension, "")
set outputList to items 4 thru -1 of nameAsList as string
Expand All @@ -254,7 +299,9 @@ end getOutputName
-- Gets the output number from the file name. Similarly (hopefully) useful if the list is not in the correct order.

on getOutputNumber(theFile)
set fileName to name of theFile
tell application "Finder"
set fileName to name of theFile
end tell
set nameAsList to splitString(items 1 thru 2 of fileName, "")
set outputNumber to item 1 of nameAsList & item 2 of nameAsList as number
return outputNumber
Expand Down

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