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A script that prepares a dataset for BasicSR model training.


Instructions for installing and training BasicSR:

  1. Install the requirements
  2. Clone this repo by using git clone or by downloading the zip from GitHub.
  3. Pick a random assortment of images (preferrably more than 100)
  4. Create a folder at the root of the repo directory called "input" - i.e: ../image-tiler/input
  5. Place your pictures inside the input folder
  6. Run on CMD or Terminal (Linux): python
    • You may want to open the script in a software like Notepad++ to edit its settings...
  7. Check for the results inside the datasets folder once the script finishes running...
  8. Go to the root of your clone BasicSR folder
  9. Head to ../BasicSR/codes/options/train/
    • Pick a YML file as a template and edit its settings according to your dataset
    • Rename your model accordingly, put a creative and relevant name on it, preferably with the scale before it
      • e.g: 4x_ScaleTreesGames, 8x_WaterCups, 2x_RandomAnimals
    • Match the scale according to the dataset, the default for this script is 4
    • Check the datasets indications inside the YML (for both val and train).
      • The paths are case-sensitive on Linux. Make sure the LR and HR folders inside your datasets folder are correctly cased.
    • Make sure the HR Size is what you have set from the script. Default is 128.
    • Under the path tree, set the root of the BasicSR to where you have cloned the BasicSR repo
      • Comment out pretrain if you are not planning on using a pretrained model
      • Comment out the resume state if you are starting a new model, uncomment if you are resuming and change the directions accordingly.
    • Depending on the BasicSR fork you will have to switch discriminator_vgg_128 to discriminator_vgg.
    • Under the train tree you can set some additional weights, I recommend uncommenting LPIPS on BA's fork.
      • You may also change the validation frequency, it's in scientific notation. 1e3 = 1000 iters.
    • Under the logger tree you can change the tensorboard logger parameters or disable it
  10. After you are done with your YML file:
    • Copy the datasets folder from the root of your image-tiler folder to the root of your BasicSR clone
      • i.e: ../image-tiler/datasets to ../BasicSR/datasets
    • Open CMD or Terminal and make sure the root path is BasicSR.
      • You can do that on both Linux and Windows by copying the path to the folder and doing: cd ..\BasicSR\codes (Windows) or cd ../BasicSR/codes (Linux, Case-Sensitive)
    • Run python -opt options\train\yourymlfilehere.yml
    • In Linux, forward-slashes and maybe python3, your environment dictates.
  11. If everything goes right, your model will begin training and it should take some time (6h~) until it generates proper results.
    • You may check for the BasicSR/experiments/model_name folder for validation images, the models, its training states and logs.
    • You can also run tensorboard if installed pip package, to check for the stats on your web-browser.
    • Example: tensorboard --logdir BasicSR/tb_logger/model_name
  12. Once you feel like not running the model anymore or are satisfied with the results just close the Terminal/CMD, or press Ctrl+C to stop the BasicSR.

Observations and Troubleshooting:

  • You may submit Pull Requests as my code can be pretty wonky.
  • It's mandatory to use 64-Bit Python so you can install PyTorch. It won't run on 32-Bit machines.
  • If you cannot run PyTorch or install, reinstall Python and all the needed packages.
  • The HR tiles resolution, LR tiles resolution and scale should relate to each other: i.e: 128x128 / scale (4) = 32x32.
    • HR: 128
    • LR: 32
    • Scale: 4
  • The mostly used versions of BasicSR are forks based on the old arch, which has no practical difference on the results.
  • xinntao's code uses a new model architecture, models created with his fork are usually not compatible with test codes/IEU and must be converted with a script provided on his fork.
  • You may run out of memory while training. Here are workarounds or solutions to that problem. In order of "less intrusive" to "more intrusive":
    • Close applications that may be using your GPU VRAM.
    • Lower the batch_size, it may cause training to be slower however.
    • Lower the HR size dataset change may be required.
    • Other solutions for advanced users below.
  • Training 1x Models are possible but only on the old arch.
  • Dataset Name and Validation Name in the YML are irrelevant.
  • PSNR is good when higher (25-30 avg). LPIPS is good when lower (<0.1 avg). SSIM is good when higher. (depends)
  • You can find additional help on Reddit at and its Discord Server (I'm there ;)).
  • There is also a wiki with additional steps, help and a model database:
  • Feel free to submit bug reports, however I can't guarantee anyone an immediate fix or answer.
  • You'll be better off looking for help on that wiki or in the Discord Server.

Advanced Users Only:

  • I don't take responsibility for any damage, loss, corruption of files, explosion or whatever possible for following these instructions.
    1. If you're low on memory, try this:
    • If you're on Linux, log off, go to a TTY (Ctrl+Alt+F2-?F12?).
    • Log-in, check with nvidia-smi if installed which applications are using VRAM...
    • You may want to kill or stop the Display Manager. This can be reverted by starting it again and run the script from there.
    • SSH is great for remote management of model training. Just make sure to use (RSA or better) keyrings and not passwords ;)
    1. You can find additional scripts in the extras folder, they have been used by me for some of the models I've trained.
    • I guarantee nothing about them working and the code is terrible.
    1. BlueAmulet's fork allows the usage of NVIDIA's AMP.
    • This currently requires the usage of PyTorch Preview and CUDA 10.2
    • It can speed up the process by quite a lot and also help reduce VRAM usage. Also, you will probably need a Turing GPU to see benefits.
      • GTX 1600 series are compatible.


  • To everyone in the Game-Upscale Discord Server which have instigated a great interest in me training my own models and writing this solution.
    • Honourable mentions (no order): Joey, Twittman, BlueAmulet, Jacob_, DinJerr, sudo rm -rf person, victorca25, nmkd... many others, sorry if I missed you.
  • DeOrder's "Texture-Upscaler" scripts, since they were the main inspiration for doing this.
    • I wanted something that would perform faster with less reliance on external software (ImageMagick).
      • Now it's just silly python libs, not any better if you think about it...
    • His scripts were also a bit outdated and I had a hard time finding an alternative that had similar features and was solely focused on training.
  • The original creators of ESRGAN and BasicSR and "forkers".


A script that prepares a dataset for BasicSR model training.







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