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Bristol Tech Fair - Backend

This project is built on Express and Mongoose.

Getting started

To run this project you will need Node.js and Yarn v1 installed.

  1. Install node -

  2. Install Yarn v1 -

Node is our runtime for the server, yarn is our package manager and used to run scripts.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the server locally in development mode. You can test out the API by connecting to the server using a REST client such as Insomnia or Postman.

You need to have a local instance of MongoDB running.
See the MongoDB Community Edition Install page for a walkthrough, and reach out in the Slack channel if you get stuck.

You also need to have a .env file in your root directory.
To do this, create a file named .env with the following line in it:

DB_CONNECTION = mongodb://localhost/btf

The server will reload if you make edits.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder.
This transpiles the src code using Babel, which allows us to use ES6+ syntax such as import/export.

Your app is ready to be deployed!

yarn resource <resource-name>

Our API resource generator script, replace <resource-name> with the actual name of your resource (e.g. post). This will take care of creating the correct files for you.

Any questions please start on discussion with the lead team.


Backend for the Bristol Tech Fair website.







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