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Just the latest attempt at building my site with Eleventy.

What I'm using and why

A reminder for when I'm staring at package.json in the middle of the night.

@11ty/eleventy : the SSG itself

@11ty/eleventy-img : simplify a little magic cropping for cards

@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss : for folks like me who prefer to get site updates in a feed reader

@small-tech/jsdb : doing some experiments with examining site data

@types/* : because Typescript wants it

alpine : some of my site data experiments involve reading Apache log files

eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash : because I poke at all sorts of languages Prism has never heard of

fast-glob : most of my site data is one form or another of file; this makes it easier to find them

fs-plus : learning there are easier ways than Node.js stdlib to get at file info

luxon : for tighter control of date formatting in my <time /> elements

markdown-it : already default in Eleventy, but explicitly adding it makes the markdown-it plugins happy

markdown-it-attrs : for adding CSS classes and other attributes inside markdown

markdown-it-container : for the many notes, warnings, and asides I sprinkle through my articles

markdown-it-deflist : because I love definition lists

masto : for syndication to Mastodon

npm-run-all : so can build styles and site pages at the same time

onchange : so I don't have to rebuild styles myself

rimraf : because everyone else is using it for their (npm|yarn) clean tasks

sass : CSS style management

ts-node : to let me use Typescript for my my utility code

twitter-api-v2 : for syndication to Twitter

typescript : to simplify finding mistakes in the code I write

xregexp : because I like regular expressions and I like them fancy

Why'd I do that thing?

I use a separate step for resizing images because I'd rather have Nunjucks macros than an image shortcode that resizes images, and Nunjucks async support is a "maybe someday" thing.


It seems to periodically forget sharp is installed or something, and I run yarn upgrade every time I add a package, and sometimes when I didn't. I do not consider this encouraging.


Sites and posts that I'm leaning on heavily while I assemble this thing.


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