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Jekyll Template, Boilerplate

A Jekyll template boilerplate, using Gulp as a task runner, created by Brian O'Toole.

Getting Started

1. Install jekyll

gem install jekyll bundler

You may need to include sudo at the start if there is a permissions error.

2. Install jekyll bundle:

jekyll new your-site-name

3. Build and view the website locally:

cd your-site-name

4. Clone repo:

git clone

5. Install NPM and dependencies:

npm install

This will install the dependencies listed in the package.json file.

6. Start server using gulp (via gulpfile.js)


This will start up a server on port 4000, and it will reload on any changes to Sass, JS, and content, using BrowserSync.

7. View the site:

http://localhost:4000 or


Template source can be found in _layouts. Component source can be found in _includes. Sass styles can be found in _sass.

Sass Structure

The main file can be found in scss/main.scss. This file serves as the Sass "Table of Contents" and where you will add your Sass @imports. The file does NOT use Jekyll's standard Front-Matter at the top, since it's using Gulp to build and complie files. If you decide to use a Gem or Build tool to manage/compile assets, then this will need to change.

Sass files live in the _sass/ folder. As a starter, I've included a mixins.scss, variables.scss and base.scss file to the boilerplate.


The mixins.scss file includes a function to calculate ems from pixels. This is very useful if you are using a relative sizing approach as CSS base, which I am. This means everything will use ems and percentages, not pixels.

Here is how you use this mixin within a selector:

.selector-name {
  font-size: calc-em(18px);

So, use: calc-em(18px)


The variables.scss file includes example color, measurement, breakpoint, and typography variables you may want to include within your project architecture. I try to name variables semantically (purpose, NOT appearance).

// BAD
.red {
  color: $color-red;
.warning {
  color: $color-warning;


The base.scss file includes global styles for the site. Using a relative sizing approach, it sets the body to font-size: 100%. Changing the font-size on the body element will adjust the typographical scale for the entire site. This allows you to be able to adjust everything on your site by changing a single value. Increasing or decreasing the body's font-size percentage will adjust the entire site accordingly. This helps with responsive design usability.

Creating a Post

Create a Markdown file within the _posts folder. The name structure is a backward date followed by the title of your post, for example: All of the content within this file is written using the Markdown language.

At the top of your markdown file, include "Jekyll Front Matter", or post information like this:

layout: post
title:  Post Title Here
author: Brian O'Toole
categories: web
thumbnail: /img/blog/thumb-title.jpg

To access post variables, do so using {{ page.variable }}. Ex. - To get the author name, {{ }}

Compiled Jekyll Site

The compiled jekyll website is built into the _site folder which includes all of the files needed to make the website.

If you need to serve the site using Jeyll and not Gulp, the command is:

bundle exec jekyll serve