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A small library to easily construct URLs for ChartD

This service lets you construct simple graphs as images to easily send them around in places where it might not be convenient to upload a file to.

A good example for where this can be helpful is when building automations into Slack (or any messaging service). You want to show a graph or a chart, but don't feel like generating the chart image yourself, storing it somewhere that Slack can access it, and then including the URL.

Just use a chartd URL to get that graphical information right into your service!


Instantiate a builder, and add the properties you would like to help define your chart. Please note, the following poperties are mandatory:

  • height
  • width
  • at least 1 dataset (but no more than 5)

After you've configured the builder, simply call .url(), optionally you can specify if you want a PNG or SVG version of your chart in this call as well.

Here's a complete example:

let url = try ChartDURLBuilder()
        .init(data: "98851"), // pass in a pre-encoded string for your data
        .init(data: [0.1, 0.0, 0.8, 0.9].base62encode(minimum: 0.0, maximum: 1.0)) // or, encode the data on the fly.